the following solved the problems
using (var uow = UnitOfWorkManager.Begin()) { ... uow.Complete(); }
fot me the AsyncHelper.RunSync does not help
did this help you?
cannot see the picture
Can you just run the Host application by hitting F5 and see the memory usage in Visual Studio Memery diagnostic graph. Mine goes to 530MB just like that!
Just to remind you that my db is fresh (empty - no user data in it)
Please just make this experiment and tell me what you get!
you wrote that you do not see any thing unsual!!!
I have been asking what is your foot I have been asking?
this is due to the memory footprint which is over 600mb and my server hosting environment is not allowing such big app
just to mention that the footprint increased from 150 to 600mb and can not manage to get any help from the team!
have received feedback nothing has changed is quite strange
this worked! thanks
there is not packages.json file in Web.Public project so running npm run create-bundles failes
Hi, is there a way to implement facebook login in the xamarin applilcation?
so what is your memory foot print in mb?