Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "razkhan78"

It is working , thanks.

@ismcagdas Our question is for Abp related data cache not the entity data. Ex: Permissions, settings etc. When we use Redis Cache everything gets slower. and updating ABP packages can be huge change which we can not do right away. so any other suggestion for it?

and thanks for SettingManager ref, we will look into it.

AspNetZero (Paid) Product version --> 4.0 Product type --> MVC Product framework type --> .net core 2.1

We are trying to implement the redis cach for "Abp" using the following doc. Note: We are using "Azure Redis Cache".

When we enable the this then we face the slowness. Can you please let us know wha we need to be looking at?

and also is there any we can move only specific data on redis like only abpsettings?

Hi @zony

See snap, OrganizationUnit is accessible but not AbpSettings .


Yes, AddAzureSignalR is executed and breaking in LoadStopCoreModule.PostInitialize.

AspNetZero (Paid) Product version --> 4.0 Product type --> MVC Product framework type --> .net core 2.1

Hi We are trying to connect to azure signalR

and getting these 4 errors:

=>Castle.MicroKernel.ComponentActivator.ComponentActivatorException: 'ComponentActivator: could not instantiate Microsoft.Azure.SignalR.ServiceLifetimeManager`1[[LoadStop.Web.Chat.SignalR.ChatHub, LoadStop.Web.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]]'

=>Exception: Could not instantiate Microsoft.Azure.SignalR.ServiceLifetimeManager`1[[LoadStop.Web.Chat.SignalR.ChatHub, LoadStop.Web.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]].

=>TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.

=>InvalidOperationException: 'AddAzureSignalR(...)' was called without a matching call to 'IApplicationBuilder.UseAzureSignalR(...)'.

Same is working for core 3.1 aspnetzero with jQuery project we have but issue with this one with .net core 2.1.

AspNetZero (Paid) Product version --> 4.0 Product type --> MVC Product framework type --> .net core 2.1

We are facing memory issues in production environment. Our application is deployed on Azure App Service.

We took the memory dump from azure and analyzed with some tools and with that we found issues with Castle Windsor & some automapping related code. Also we have created one sep signalR hub class in system where we added dispose method for _windsorContainer.

Is there anything we can add for our current configuration to get rid of these memory issues?

AspNetZero (Paid) Product version --> 4.0 Product type --> MVC Product framework type --> .net core

We want to add AbpSettings table in "TrackedTypes" in EntityHistoryHelper for tracking/auditing purpose. But couldn't find it as class/entity.

Hi, We have AspNetZero (Paid) Product version --> 4.0 Product type --> MVC Product framework type --> .net core

We are having specific case where we have "Prev" & "Next" buttons in Edit screen which opens from list page. We need to show prev/next record on those button click, right now we are opening modal on onClose method by adding specific condition, but it looks flickering. We saw there is reopen method but it seems to be taking new arguments.

Is there any way we can refresh modal with "Id" of next records?


Hi, We have AspNetZero (Paid) Product version --> 4.0 Product type --> MVC Product framework type --> .net core

and we are having following issue right now:

We have 3 tables Table Product Table ProductPayment & ProductPaymentDetail

We have an operation where we delete data from ProductPayment (which deletes automatically any child data from ProductPaymentDetail) and updating boolean column IsPaid in Product.

We are facing an issue that "sometimes" in Product table IsPaid is not getting updated. When we check Audit Logs , we see update operation in AbpEntityChanges for product but no field change in AbpEntityPropertyChanges and Product table itself.

public async Task Delete(EntityDto input)

            var productPayment = await _productPaymentRepository.FirstOrDefaultAsync(m => m.Id == input.Id);
            var productPaymentDetail  = _ProductPaymentDetailRepository.GetAll().Where(x => x.ProductPaymentId == (int)input.Id && x.ProductId != null).GroupBy(x => x.ProductId);            

            if (productPaymentDetail != null)
                foreach (var item in productPaymentDetail)
                    var product = await _productRepository.FirstOrDefaultAsync(item.Key.Value);
                    product.IsPaid  = false;
                    await _productRepository.UpdateAsync(product);

            await _productPaymentRepository.DeleteAsync(input.Id);

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