We have a existing project in Asp.net Core MVC + Jquery with framework .net2.1 and version 6.2.1. We are going to upgrade in .net 8 and version 13.1.1.
I have downloaded the latest version 13.1.1 and .net 8 project with same name.
As mention in documentation "Switch to aspnetzero branch in your source control and copy new AspNet Zero version into this branch". What does it mean to copy new AspNet Zero version into your branch?. Which files, and folder needs to copy ? Can you please describe in detail?
AspNetZero (Paid) Product version --> 4.0 Product type --> MVC Product framework type --> .net core
We have reference to below files in bundleconfig json in the project we downloaded from aspnetzero: wwwroot/lib/json2/lib/JSON2/static/json2.js wwwroot/lib/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css wwwroot/lib/datatables.net-responsive-bs4/css/responsive.bootstrap4.css wwwroot/lib/push.js/bin/push.js wwwroot/lib/datatables.net-responsive-bs4/js/responsive.bootstrap4.js
but these files does not exist on these paths but available in node_modules and it is causing issue in build pipelines. So can you please let us know how to fix this? Is this bug in existing project or we need to run some commands?
@ismcagdas We are using jQuery not angular.
@ismcagdas "This is only possible if a feature is disabled for the tenant. Does that work for your case ?" -- This is how it is we know. But need to confirm if there is way " if tenant is setup (ENABLED) with specific feature tag" can we disable some page access?
We are using AspNetZero (Paid) Product version --> 4.0 Product type --> MVC Product framework type --> .net core
Is there any way with which we can disable access to specific page if tenant is setup with specific feature tag?
We are using AspNetZero (Paid) Product version --> 4.0 Product type --> MVC Product framework type --> .net core
We are working on a new feature where we have a need to dynamically add new item in the menu without reloading page. We have look through some documents and found there is one javascript API called abp.nav.menus.MainMenu but there are no methods we can find right now to make a call and get updated menu.
So could you please let us know if there is anyway we can refresh menu without reloading the entire page?
We already have one class with same name src\Project.Core\EntityHistory\EntityHistoryHelper.cs , which is static class. so how do we handle it.
AspNetZero (Paid) Product version --> 4.0 Product type --> MVC Product framework type --> .net core 2.1
Right now we don't have any background job using worker but we see some queries in log which are blocking
(@p9 bigint,@p0 datetime2(7),@p1 bigint,@p2 bit,@p3 nvarchar(4000),@p4 nvarchar(512),@p5 datetime2(7),@p6 datetime2(7),@p7 tinyint,@p8 smallint)UPDATE [AbpBackgroundJobs] SET [CreationTime] = @p0, [CreatorUserId] = @p1, [IsAbandoned] = @p2, [JobArgs] = @p3, [JobType] = @p4, [LastTryTime] = @p5, [NextTryTime] = @p6, [Priority] = @p7, [TryCount] = @p8 WHERE [Id] = @p9
and also some queries deleting logs (@p0 uniqueidentifier)DELETE FROM [AbpNotifications] WHERE [Id] = @p0
We haven't configured so far for it, so we need to know when and at what interval these queries are getting executed? And is there any way we can disable it?
It is working , thanks.