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Activities of "razkhan78"



I have used the SummerNote Editor to take input.In the JS have initialize the SummerNote with following lines.

$('#editor').summernote({ height: "200px" });

Now whenever updating the text of editor and focus out event is occur for the editor it's give above jquery error.

Then after I have commented the line (_form.validate()) that validate the form,then error goes out.

Also try to put editor out side the,it is also working.

I don't event put any kind of validation for this field.I think it is firing some kind of validation for the editor.



We are using latest Asp.Net Core MVC with jQuery.

After focus out of the Text editor, if there is the text then it's give this error.

If I have commented _form.validate() from init method of JS file then error goes out.

I have facing this issue with SummerNote & CKEditor both editor.

How can I fix it?

Entity is having IMayHaveTenat.

We want our super admin/host admin to create some records for tenant. So yes entity belongs to Tenant but can be managed by Host Admin. And so if Host Admin made any change or created it for tenant, we need to know the correct UserId.


We are using latest Asp.Net Core MVC with jQuery.

For one of our entities we need to allow host admin to select Tenant. We added Pick Control.

But when we save data with TenantId it stores CreatorUserId as Null and in update LastModifierUserId as Null. We have used using (UnitOfWorkManager.Current.DisableFilter(AbpDataFilters.MayHaveTenant)) { await CreateOrEditData(input); }

How we can fix this?


We are trying to auto generate entity with foreign key. But AspNet Zero tool to generate entity not showing Role entity under Navigation Property, we tried Load more option but it duplicates other entity but never shows Role.

This is causing issue for auto generating code for Role field.

We finally found these steps to be followed to get project working:

  1. Download and install node.js & yarn

2)On command prompt npm install yarn npm install gulp

3)After installation completes open command prompt from Web.Mvc folder first run npm run create-bundles command.

This command for the development purpose it replaces js file with min.js file and creates minified file butnot actually minify the js file in the development process. It will create bundles in the "wwwroot\view-resources\Areas\App\Views_Bundles" path.

In case it gives error run yarn and then run npm run create-bundles

But we would like to know is there any way in local machine we can use normal file instead of min. As "npm run create-bundles" is too slow even on second run.

We have downloade aspnetzero latest MVC and jQuery yesterday and getting this error.

We found some solutions like run yarn and then np build run commands we have installed yarn and node. Unable to run command in VS2019, tried in directory but still error.

Is there any specific command to generate _bundles folder?

Should we add this package on Web.Mvc layer or other?

We have already tried setting while calling " _emailSender.SendAsync" SubjectEncoding yet it seems to be not changing.


We are using : AspNetZero (Paid) Product version --> 4.0 Product type --> MVC Product framework type --> .net core

In existing code of aspnetzero in UserEMail class " _emailSender.SendAsync" sends an email but without subject.

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