Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "rcatiller"

Looks like we are good to go on this after upgrading. Thank you.

Thank you for your replies, @alper and @aaron.

I reviewed the logs and only found INFO and DEBUG entries. I didn't see any relevant entries to what was happening here.

I'm on v6.5 so I'm going to upgrade to latest (v6.8) and report back after.

Thanks again for your time!

Thanks for taking the time to reply. Within a command prompt I went to the project directory of the public site and ran:

npm run create-bundles

And it threw an error stating it couldn't find pacakge.json.

The Web.Mvc has a package.json but sure enough, the public site does not.

Unfortunately I'm not sure what to do from here. Should I use the package.json from the othe project?

Thanks again for your time.

Thanks for your reply on this.

Unfortunately, running the Yarn command and re-publishing didn't resolve the problem.

This was the output from Yarn.

yarn install v1.13.0
info No lockfile found.
[1/4] Resolving packages...
[2/4] Fetching packages...
[3/4] Linking dependencies...
[4/4] Building fresh packages...
success Saved lockfile.
Done in 0.13s.

Hello. I have not, but I will give that a go and see where I'm at after. I'll be sure to follow up here.

Thank you for taking the time to respond!

Thank you for getting back to me on this. I followed the steps provided and just had to make on change to get this to work:

For the last step, in the account-layout-libs.js section in bundleconfig.json...

instead of: "wwwroot/lib/bootstrap-daterangepicker/daterangepicker.js" I had to actually reference this: "wwwroot/lib/bootstrap4-datetimepicker/build/js/bootstrap-datetimepicker.min.js"

and now I'm getting the desired result:

Thanks again for your help.

Interesting... I re-ran npm run create-bundles and I'm no longer getting the console errors:

Could someone with more experience weigh-in on this? I'm glad the errors are gone but I'd like to learn if the npm command truly resolved this. I suspect so, but couldn't explain why.

Thank you for the helpful information.

I cannot reproduce this error with the demo project. I restored the original project obtained with my license and the error does not show.

At this point it makes more sense to just use the newly restored project and continue from there. Thank you for your time and help.

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