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Activities of "[email protected]"

I am trying to do the same with the devexpress dashboard controller.

Please could you show me how you did the report integration?

Please send to [email protected]


I am trying to integrate the deveexpress dashboard control into my angular application.

I tried the sample at the link below and it worked as expected.

But adding the code as described to the aspnet zero solution doesn't seemt to work.

Specifically it does not get to the code inside the AddDefaultDashboardController method. And without running that code there is no default DashboardController for the angular app.

Do you perhap have any idea what could be causing this code not to execute?

` public IServiceProvider ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) { //MVC services .AddMvc(options => { options.Filters.Add(new CorsAuthorizationFilterFactory(DefaultCorsPolicyName)); }) .AddDefaultDashboardController((configurator, serviceProvider) => { _ DataBaseEditaleDashboardStorage dataBaseDashboardStorage = new DataBaseEditaleDashboardStorage(appConfiguration.GetConnectionString("Default")); configurator.SetDashboardStorage(dataBaseDashboardStorage); }) .SetCompatibilityVersion(CompatibilityVersion.Version_2_2);

        services.AddDevExpressControls(settings => settings.Resources = ResourcesType.ThirdParty | ResourcesType.DevExtreme);`

I see the LastLoginTime field on the users table has been removed in the latest version.

It was quite important for us to see this field when viewing our users to see who was active.

What was the reson for this? And is there anyway to check all users last login time?

Perfect! Thank you.


I apologize in advance if this is a stupid question.

I have published my aspnet zero app to IIS and copied the published angular app into the wwwroot folder.

When I browse to my site URL ( it automatically loads the swagger ui. (

But if I browse to then my angular app is loaded.

How would I get it to load my angular app instead of the the swagger ui when browing to ?

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