Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "robrechtbelien"

Hi maliming,

That did the trick! Thanks!

private async Task<AbpLoginResult<Tenant, User>> GetLoginResultAsync(string usernameOrEmailAddress, string password, string tenancyName)
           var loginResult = await _logInManager.LoginAsync(usernameOrEmailAddress, password, tenancyName);
            if (loginResult.Result != AbpLoginResultType.Success)
            var contact = _contactRepository.FindByUsernamePassword(usernameOrEmailAddress, password).FirstOrDefault();
            if (contact != null)

                var user = await _userManager.FindByNameAsync(usernameOrEmailAddress);

In the code above, the user returned at the end returns the values from befere the LoginAsync. If I look in the database after LoginAsync the values are updated.

Hi, I have a situation where directly after a login attempt (an unsuccessfull one) the usermanager doesn't get the latest values from the database. After running logInManager.LoginAsync() i see that the [AccessFailedCount] is updated in the database. But when running userManager.FindByNameAsync() in the same function after the login, the values of the returned user are the ones from before the login attempt. Is this some kind of caching somewhere? And how can I make sure to get the latest values. I'm using the .net core & MVC version .

Regards, Robrecht

Additionally: When using the bulkinsert method, the entityhelper function are not run, is it possible to extend them to intercept the bulkinsert function somehow?

Hi @ismcagdas,

Can you point me in the right direction? Is the IRepository part of the ABP framework or is it in the aspnetzero code?

Hi, I have a project entity where the creator is the admin, but the entity has linked users: It has trainers and students (which are aspnetzero users) . I want to limit the access to a project to admins and all linked students and trainers. What would be the best practice to implement this?

Hi, I'm trying to add a custom method to all my repositories. So in the baserepository code I added this:

    public abstract class AppRepositoryBase<TEntity, TPrimaryKey> : EfCoreRepositoryBase<AppDbContext, TEntity, TPrimaryKey>
        where TEntity : class, IEntity<TPrimaryKey>
        protected AppRepositoryBase(IDbContextProvider<AppDbContext> dbContextProvider)
            : base(dbContextProvider)


        //add your common methods for all repositories

        public async Task BulkInsert(List<TEntity> entities)
            await Context.BulkInsertAsync(entities);


That is ok, but when trying to use it in a repository : IRepository&lt;classname, long> the method is not available.

Am I missing something?



In our application I created a scheduling app. Now I want to send a notification (not an email but an in app notification) to a user 5 minutes before an event starts. I don't see an easy way to do this. Any tips are much appreciated.

(I'm using the .net core version with jquery)

Regards, Robrecht


I found the solution; I needed to override the "ajax" option when initialising the datatable and set it to null.


I found the solution; I needed to override the "ajax" option when initialising the datatable and set it to null.

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