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Activities of "robrechtbelien"

Hi, I set up the clockprovider to UTC and allow users to set their timezone. When I place a date in a viewmodel and I pass the UTC datetime to it, it doesn't display the time in the current user's timezone. It stays in UTC. Is there a function I need to use in the view? I don't want to use javascript for it.

Great, thx for the info. How can I handle the reverse? If a user posts a form with a date, the date is a utc date, but it has the value the user enterd. Should I update all dates in the controller and convert them from the user's timezone to utc? That seems quite inefficient.

Hi, I updated my app (originally aspnetzero 2.2 .net Core version) to use abp 1.4.2 and updated the all relevant code to implement the tenant logo and custom CSS. When uploading a logo I receive this error: The required antiforgery request token was not provided

If I look in the code in the seetings view, I don't see any anti forgery field. Should this be added somewhere or is this somthing some javascript is supposed to take care of?

I found the solution: I had a type in the javascript source so the ajax interceptor didn't run. All solved now.



I'm using the 4.0 version of the .net core app with jquery.

In the bundleconfig the file "wwwroot/lib/jquery-ui/themes/base/all.css" is included for "wwwroot/view-resources/Areas/App/Views/_Bundles/layout-libs.min.css". This has 2 imports that are not followed by the bundler. Is that some setting I can change? Now when running the site, it's giving errors because the brower can't find the files. Since the path is different. Should I include all the files manually or can I configure the bundler to follow imports?

Hi, I'm working with the 4.0 version of .net core with jQuery. When I am using impersonation, it works perfectly but after a couple of minutos of inactivity I'm still logged in but the ImpersonatorUserId of the abp.session is empty. So then the red arrow and the option to switch back to my original user dissappear. Is there a timout setting on the abp session somewhere?

Done: Issue #224 is logged



I have a localization question: I've built an entity where tenant admins can create evaluation questions. Those questions are used elsewhere to be presented to the users and they need to reply to them. So a tenant admin can add questions just like he can add roles or users. Those questions are displayed to users with the possibility to select an answer.

What is the best way to localize them? If I use the retrieved questions and pass them in the L() function it's easy, and I can add the transaltions to the xml files. This way the entire localization is in simple xml files and easy to mange. The downside is that it's not possible for an admin to translate the questions.

The other possibility is to allow the admins to add translations to the questions in the entity itself. This is a little bit more work to set up and has the downside that when a new language is added we do not only need to translate the xml file but would also have to go in the the entity and add all translations manually.

Any ideas about the best approach?

Regards, Robrecht


Did you already have a chance to check this?


What would be the best way to achieve the following?

When an admin (or another custom role name) user is in a specific OU he or she should only be able to create/edit/view users from that OU or child OU's. Also I have a couple of other entity's that are linked to users. I only want these users to get the records for users in the same or child OU's.

I'm using the .net core with jquery version. on the full framework.

Regards, Robrecht

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