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Activities of "ryancyq"

Hi, the link isnt broken. you will need to login to your authorized github account as configured at


Hi, the way to implements depends on the permission's granularity on your project entity.

Abp permission only allow customisation of allowed/approval actions (e.g. CRUD) that a user can perform.

If your business logic required permissions to be configured for different project entities and different user that assigned to it. You will not be able to reuse Abp permission, instead please use the approaches of creating ProjectPermission or ProjectAssignment (with permissions).

Where should this permission check take place in ASP.NET Zero to follow best practise?

Generally you can declare Abp permissions in your authorization provider, e.g.

  • AppPermissions.Pages_Project_Management
  • AppPermissions.Pages_Project_Management_Create
  • AppPermissions.Pages_Project_Management_Update
  • AppPermissions.Pages_Project_Management_Delete

and use these for show/hide menu items based on custom permission checks

As for project entity, you can create a seperate domain service (e.g. ProjectPermissionChecker) to handle CRUD permissions at project entity level.

Hi, you can add tenant subdomain in the return url upon login POST method.


Hi, if you want to implement it as data filter, you can refer to the doc for it. See

However, do note that evaluating current user PERMITTED OU ids might be too expensive to be calculated for every query, you might want to consider caching it.

Hi, abp permission is designed to be action base permission (i.e. create new user/role, update user/role details, delete user/role) on User, Role levels only (currently it does not support enforcing a user to be ONLY able update/delete for CERTAIN users/roles)

if you need permission control at per project level, then you should add UserId or RoleId to your project entity and implement a separate permission check for it.

Hi, the user login has multi tenancy filter being applied, therefore, it only fetches users that belongs to tenant/host.

You can modify the login to search for user from multiple tenants (by temporarily disable the data filter)

also, by default, if tenant information cannot be resolved by the url, it should show a tenant name input on login page (unless it is disabled)


Hi, the link isnt broken. you will need to login to your authorized github account as configured at


Hi, clicking on login button from the public website will not have any tenant information being known before hand.

you can create a dropdown list of tenant names on either the public website or login page of the admin website.


Not sure if you need permission here (since your data is permitted via OU Id)

Nonetheless, you can get the permitted OU Ids as follows:

  1. get ou ids of the current user
  2. get role ids of current user
  3. get ou ids base on the role ids in (2)

The permitted OU ids should be (1) + (2)

It is not necessary for ASP.NET Core,

It doesn't differ whether you are using asp .net or asp .net core, application hosting will be the main factor to decide whether your application should be sleeping/suspended

because application is exposed by a console application that it already always on

I don't quite understand the scenario, can you provide more details?

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