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Activities of "sago"

<cite>ismcagdas: </cite> @sago you don't have to upgrade to ASP.NET Core 2.0.

What is the abp-ng2-module version in your Angular project ? If it is not the latest one, try to upgrade it. Latest version is 2.1.0, see <a class="postlink" href=""> ... b=versions</a>.

Thanks !! I everything looks working fine.

I installed abp-ng2-module and its version is 2.1.0, however I still have the same error Unexpected authenticateResult!

The AuthenticateResultModel have all results undefined. Please advise.


I get Unexpected authenticateResult! error after upgrading angular 4 to version 5.

My Core version is still ASP.NET Core 1.1, do we need to upgrade core to 2.0 or angular 5 can work with core 1.1.


Thanks alot,this was my problem

RemoveOldgarntedPermissionAsync is in application layer how can i call savechanges, i tried to call it from my custom repositry but it didn't removes the records till the end also.

this is the function in my custom repo. public async Task<string> RemoveGrantedPermessionsForRole(int id) { EnsureConnectionOpen();

        using (var command = CreateCommand("Core_Remove_permessions_By_RoleId", CommandType.StoredProcedure, new SqlParameter("@roleId", id)))
            using (var dataReader = await command.ExecuteReaderAsync())
                var result = "";

                while (dataReader.Read())
                    result = (dataReader["roleId"].ToString());
                return result;

i expected when updating permessions for arole or user

first removes old roles with my custom stored procedure then set the new permessions with setgrantedpermessions function

but what happening now it removes the permessions at the end of the function although i put await befor my custom function the result is the whole permessions removed for this role

here is my code

private async Task UpdateGrantedPermissionsAsync(Role role, List<string> grantedPermissionNames) {

        var grantedPermissions = PermissionManager.GetPermissionsFromNamesByValidating(grantedPermissionNames);
        List&lt;Permission&gt; customList = new List&lt;Permission&gt;();
        foreach (var item in grantedPermissions)
        var additionalPermessions = await GetGrantedPermessionsFromSystemObjectsAsync(grantedPermissionNames);
        await RemoveOldgarntedPermissionAsync(role.Id);
        await _roleManager.SetGrantedPermissionsAsync(role, customList);
    private async Task RemoveOldgarntedPermissionAsync(int id)
        var oldpermessionsToBeDeleted = await _sysobjectCustomRepo.RemoveGrantedPermessionsForRole(id);

RemoveOldgarntedPermissionAsync:this function call stored procedure to delete but it doesn't execute till the end of function UpdateGrantedPermissionsAsync so it deletes after setting new permessions i don't know how to make it executes before setting the new permessions

the strored procedure doesnt executed ,it started and never ended

create PROCEDURE [dbo].[Core_Remove_permessions_By_RoleId] @roleId int AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; -- Insert statements for procedure here delete AbpPermissions where RoleId=@roleId END

hey all, i have an issue with permessions, i made a workaround solution for generating permessions dynamically from database and it can be set properly the problem is with this function SetGrantedPermissionsAsync(role, permissions) if i unselect some permessions it removes only predefined permessions,and i tried to make it manauly so i made custom repository and make a stroed to remove all permessions to be set again but it didn't work any help ?


i have the same problem any solution !!!

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