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Activities of "sago"



Switching to Arabic changes Dates to to Hijri format. I want them in Gregorian.

Can I switch to Arabic translation while keeping Dates, Numbers and Currency in English or some other locale ?



when i changed the theme from visual setting page the page become like the image attached and i cant reset the defualt theme any help please

thanks in advance.

In angular when I change the language to arabic version after login, a record for user is created in ABPSettings and I logout the system and login again with English Language the dahsboard loads with arabic layout. Please review this I'm still using the seed version.


how can i display grogorian date even if the user selected arabic language ?

After successful Login to the Application the AbpAuthorize is still not authorize to the logged in User restricting access to assigned services also the AbpSession.UserId is Null after navigation.


After upgrading to Angular 5 abp-ng2-module, AbpSession.UserId value is null in my custom module while tenant id exists, however this value seems to be exists in SessionAppService. With my previous version this is working fine, please advise.


i got this error :

A second operation started on this context before a previous operation completed. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe

when this function Executed

public   PagedResultDto<SalesInvoiceListingDto> InvoicesList(FilterDto input)

                var query = from inv in _txSalesInfo.GetAll()
                                //                 .WhereIf(
                                //    !input.Filter.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(),
                                //    u =>
                                //        u.Invoicenumber.Contains(input.Filter) ||
                                //        u.CustomerName.Contains(input.Filter) ||
                                //        u.Refrencenumber.Contains(input.Filter)
                            from org in _organizationUnitRepository.GetAll().Where(a => a.Id == inv.SationId)
                                //          .WhereIf(
                                //u =>
                                //    u.DisplayName.Contains(input.Filter)
                                //      )
                            from op in _PartyRepo.GetAll().Where(a => a.Id == inv.OperatorId)
                                //               .WhereIf(
                                //   u =>
                                //   u.JsonName.Contains(input.Filter)
                                //     )
                            select new { inv, op, org };

                var items =  query
             .OrderByDescending(a => a.inv.InvoiceDate)

                var projectedItems = (from a in items
                                      select new SalesInvoiceListingDto
                                          Id = a.inv.Id,
                                          CustomerRefrenceNumber = a.inv.CustomerRefrenceNumber,
                                          DueDate = a.inv.DueDate,
                                          InvoiceDate = a.inv.InvoiceDate,
                                          Invoicenumber = a.inv.Invoicenumber,
                                          Refrencenumber = a.inv.Refrencenumber,
                                          StatusId = a.inv.StatusId,
                                          Operator = a.op.JsonName,
                                          Station =,
                                          Customer = a.inv.CustomerName

              var TotalCount =  query.Count();
                return new PagedResultDto<SalesInvoiceListingDto>(
            catch (Exception ex)

                return null;

although i replaced all async to sync

iam facing this issue in my function : Expression of type 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable1[sagoERP.PartiesDictionary.PartiesDictionaries]' cannot be used for parameter of type 'System.Linq.IQueryable1[sagoERP.PartiesDictionary.PartiesDictionaries]' of method 'System.Linq.IQueryable1[sagoERP.PartiesDictionary.PartiesDictionaries] WhereIf[PartiesDictionaries](System.Linq.IQueryable1[sagoERP.PartiesDictionary.PartiesDictionaries], Boolean, System.Linq.Expressions.Expression1[System.Func2[sagoERP.PartiesDictionary.PartiesDictionaries,System.Boolean]])'


public async Task<PagedResultDto<SalesInvoiceListingDto>> InvoicesList(FilterDto input)

                var query = from inv in _txSalesInfo.GetAll().OrderByDescending(a => a.InvoiceDate)
                  u =>
                      u.Invoicenumber.Contains(input.Filter) ||
                      u.CustomerName.Contains(input.Filter) ||
                            from org in _organizationUnitRepository.GetAll().Where(a => a.Id == inv.SationId)
                  u =>
                            from op in _PartyRepo.GetAll().Where(a => a.Id == inv.OperatorId)
                        u =>

                            select new SalesInvoiceListingDto
                                Id = inv.Id,
                                CustomerRefrenceNumber = inv.CustomerRefrenceNumber,
                                DueDate = inv.DueDate,
                                InvoiceDate = inv.InvoiceDate,
                                Invoicenumber = inv.Invoicenumber,
                                Refrencenumber = inv.Refrencenumber,
                                StatusId = inv.StatusId,
                                Operator = op.JsonName,
                                Station = org.DisplayName,
                                Customer = inv.CustomerName
                var desiredItems = await query
                .OrderByDescending(u => u.InvoiceDate)
                var TotalCount = await query.CountAsync();

                return new PagedResultDto<SalesInvoiceListingDto>(
            catch (Exception ex)

                return null;


I get Unexpected authenticateResult! error after upgrading angular 4 to version 5.

My Core version is still ASP.NET Core 1.1, do we need to upgrade core to 2.0 or angular 5 can work with core 1.1.


hey all, i have an issue with permessions, i made a workaround solution for generating permessions dynamically from database and it can be set properly the problem is with this function SetGrantedPermissionsAsync(role, permissions) if i unselect some permessions it removes only predefined permessions,and i tried to make it manauly so i made custom repository and make a stroed to remove all permessions to be set again but it didn't work any help ?

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