Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "sago"


thank you , i have solved the problem


Hi, when i tried to change culture at appserviceBase using this line

Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture.DateTimeFormat = new CultureInfo("en-US").DateTimeFormat;

It raised System.InvalidOperationException: 'Instance is read-only.'



Switching to Arabic changes Dates to to Hijri format. I want them in Gregorian.

Can I switch to Arabic translation while keeping Dates, Numbers and Currency in English or some other locale ?



when i changed the theme from visual setting page the page become like the image attached and i cant reset the defualt theme any help please

thanks in advance.

Run the below commands and check

npm install -g increase-memory-limit

Run from the root location of your project: increase-memory-limit

In angular when I change the language to arabic version after login, a record for user is created in ABPSettings and I logout the system and login again with English Language the dahsboard loads with arabic layout. Please review this I'm still using the seed version.


how can i display grogorian date even if the user selected arabic language ?

<cite>aaron: </cite> Show error in Logs.txt.

The Issue was not related to the Attribute AbpAuthorize, the issue we had is now resolved.

Thanks for you support !

<cite>ismcagdas: </cite> @sago we need to see your code to understand the problem. Because services in AspNet Zero don't have such a problem.

Issue resolved adding { provide: HTTP_INTERCEPTORS, useClass: AbpHttpInterceptor, multi: true } inside module, Thanks for your support !

<cite>ismcagdas: </cite> @sago we need to see your code to understand the problem. Because services in AspNet Zero don't have such a problem.

I Agree with Abp.AspNetCore v 2.3.0 and Angular 4 everything is working fine with me. The AbpSession Null issue I am faccing after migrating to Angular v 5.2.9. I will share the code and update you, also appreciate If you guide me to any appropriate documentation for this Angular Upgradtion.


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