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Activities of "sedulen"

Hi all,

We are extremely excited about the ASP.NET Zero stack. Our dev team has primarily used Autofac in the past and we'd like to know how easy it would be to switch from Castle Windsor to Autofac, potential risks and steps to switch if anyone has experience in doing so.

Thanks, Russell G.

Hi, We would like to reference native JavaScript/TypeScript/Angular classes from NativeScript. Has anyone successfully reused or know if it's possible to reuse service proxies, models and controllers in a cross-mobile-platform NativeScript solution. Thanks in advance! R. Gilbert

Hi, Is it possible to Extend the Tenant object and add more attributes. For the system we are building, there are additional attributes that we need to capture about a tenant. Thanks, R. Gilbert

Hi, Is there is way to implement authentication that is not tenant aware so that authentication runs across all tenants, and if successful authentication, automatically set the tenant context to the 1st matching tenant? If we modify login/authentication to not require a tenant ID, can we still support multi-tenancy? TIA R. Gilbert

Hi, We are building a system where tenancy is already defined in another system and we need to mirror that tenancy in our AspNet Zero system. Would it be possible for us to retain the pre-assigned tenant id from the other system and apply as the tenant Id in out ASP.NET Zero system?


I've read several articles and tried several things for example: []). I've tried both the donet cli as well as VS package manager I'm setting ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT to "Development"and then running Update-Database --verbose or dotnet ef database update -v and in both cases, it appears to be attempting to the connectionString defined in appsettings.json and not in appsettings.Development.json

Is it possible to define an Entity in the RAD tool that references another object? Thanks, R. Gilbert

How can I create a read-only Controller for the API. The service will need full CRUDL but data will be created internally via background job and never directly through an external system.

Thanks, R. Gilbert

@ismcagdas The job will be ran via hangfire from out website.

I have a "CSR" role (Customer Service Rep). I want to grant them the ability to login as users for tenants but not grant them the ability to log in as users for the hosts. Right now, I grant "Login for Tenants" rights but in order to execute impersonation, I need to have "Login for users" rights also granted. In doing that, I am granting users in this role access to Administration > Users > Login as User within the host instance, which I do not want. Any ideas on how to implement this within the permissions model? TIA R. Gilbert

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