Thank you, It seems it is declared as constant in module zero. then can not be modified. Regards
Oh Great, thank you !!!
Additional question I have now the table now to nvarchar(max) but the parameter is still truncated at 1024, I've reviewd all the code related to AdutiLogs but I could not find where to chang the way the parameter is created and saved to DB. My idea is to remove that 1024 character limitation on the audit log parameter.
Finally I see you are truncating and adding "..." on the same entity on Module zero I've modified MaxParametersLengthin the Module Zero Project, and recompiled the dll, the parameter field in audit log displays all the data now.
But if you have in mind a way to do that, without touching the Module Zero code, it will be appreciated, I prefer to restore the original module zero dll, and just change code in ASPNET ZERO. Any whelp will be appreciated, Thank you
Ohh not yet, but sure I will try it soon since I need to avoid app pool recycling consequences. Keep you posted, just in case. Thank you !!!
Thank you, it was helpful. Please do you have any tip how to query the Active Directory to find the Username entered is valid and to retrieve email, and names if exists?
Another aspect I've noticed, is that you can set on the UserEdit Modal Window for an Active Directory User the flag IsActive=false, it is actually saved to the DB; but when the deactivated AD user login again into the application then the flag is changed automatically to IsActive=true. According to that there is no way to deactivate an AD user.
Thank you Very much.
EDIT: I thougth that I could use something built in Module zero or boilerplate. Finally
var domainContext = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain);
var foundUser = UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity(domainContext, IdentityType.SamAccountName, usernameOrEmailAddress);
Anyway I still do not understand why the IsActive is always set to active when an active directory user logins. Is it by design?
Worked Perfect !!! Thank you. Just to bypass the issue that calling a partial view, instead of loading any new page, throws an internal error message instead of redirecting to the login page. Just added this code to the layout page to redirect the page to the logout page.
var sessionTimeoutWarning = @Session.Timeout- 1;
var sTimeout = parseInt(sessionTimeoutWarning) * 60 * 1000;
setTimeout('SessionEnd()', sTimeout);
function SessionEnd() {
window.location = "/Account/Logout";
You are correct !!! Thank you !!! , I got million of stuff in my head forgot the simple things !!! Some validation errors, an offending column, foreign key that is marked as .WillCascadeOnDelete(false) on the context should not cause any issue but it does, should not use other Key than ID on the related table but it is what I need, since the table will be updated manually time to time an there is no way to use the ID field. Thank you
Hello I'm using some fields on the modals that needs to be validated before going to the appservice, after the click on the modal, then the JS associated with the modal is in charge to send the data to the appservice.
But I have a dynamic need for validation, for example for a user1 the field TEXT1 is mandatory and 4 chars length, for another user the validation for TEXT1 should be optional and 10 characters length for example.
On server side: I do not think that injecting a repository containing the configuration validations rules form the database, and then creating a dynamic custom validation at DTO level is something recommended.?
found this, seems to be the same scenario I have. #2583@20821281-340d-4c97-a56d-a284ecae926f.
Yes I was thinking to leave the DTO the higher level DB validation. And then add some logic inside the Application Service class and throw an User friendly error message regarding the validations rules specific for each user.
But I dot like that approach I would like to have she same rules and mark the fields with problems on the form, instead showing an user friendly error message coming from the AppService Class.
I think I will have to duplicate that validation rules coming from DB, as well at client level using JQuery at Modal Form level...
Do you have any recommendation?
Excellent thank you !!!
Thank you I was using that official help and <a class="postlink" href=""> ... ckers.html</a>
Solved, My mistake referencing the wrong files.
Thanks a lot for your help
It helped, thank you very much !!!!