Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "sergiop"

Hello I've noticed that that header content is overlapping with the page content, when there is a scroll in the page. (I'm using Core MVC latest version) You can see the screen capture I took from the demo in your site, marked the issue with a red rectangle. Please advise. Thank you Sergio

Hello When inserting data in about 60 different columns, when I go to the Audit Log page, and try to see the details. I have a JavaScript error "0x800a03f6 - JavaScript runtime error: Invalid character"

I see on the database the parameter information is truncated and terminated with "..."

{"resultadoBack":{"productDataId":0,.................,more parameters in the middle.............................,"text31":null,"text32":n**...**

Any idea how to save all the parameters to the audit log table, then avoid having that JavaScript error while displaying details?

At first I need to change the default 1024 PARAMETERS FIELD length to nvarchar(max) for the AUDITLOG entity but that Entity class is compiled on the dll.

Thank you very much !!!

Hello I see that by default the Seesion State is InProc, if I change to SQLServer which is serializable, will it cause any issue with ASPNETZERO ?

Thank You


  1. I Need to modify the way the login works. 2.a) Only LDAP users should login. 2.b) Only LDAP users already added by admin should be able to enter the application. 2.c) When adding users to the application (by the admin) the user names should be validated against AD server. 2.d) The only "non" AD user will be the admin.

Do I need to modify the code on Abp.Zero.Ldap or any other module zero or boilerplate project, o I can do that just changing the code on zero code,?
Thank you.

Hello I have 2 questions. Maybe you can help to me. I'm using MVC Single Tenant App. ASPNETZERO v1.12.2.0 [20170515]

  1. I need to store on the session the country selected from a dropdown and filter the queries based on that session value. Is there anything wrong if I use the standard method Session["Sample"] = "xxxx" instead of trying to use the samples with Claim and the custom class to store sessions as on the samples provided on this forum? I've checked and standard session variables seems to work fine.

2)On the web config file I set the session Timeout to 2 minutes, Session.timeout is returning the value 2 as expected. but the application is not redirected to the login page. Am I missing something, do I need to create the logic to do that, according to the forum it seems that it is built in. Please advice.

Thank you

Hello Im trying to add an extra field to the class

    public class OrganizationUnit : FullAuditedEntity<long>, IMayHaveTenant

Is the source code provided to change that class?

Thank you very much !!

Hello Im having a problem with this line on the ProductsAppService.

await _plannerRepository.DeleteAsync(result.Id);

It does not perform the softdelete, the integer result.Id is fine. but nothing happens, no errors. The same line is working fine with the rest of the entities. Any idea about how to debug this? The class that updates the modified date/modifier user and isdeleted flag for example? Thank you.

Hello I was reading the OU information and samples, they are mostly, to know how to create entities that can belong to OUs.

But my question is when adding OU (only need root so far), I need to use OU and map it to Countries, having Country name and ISO country Code ("China", and "CN" for example.) The OU description (name) should come from a table, we will not allow the user to enter the string they want.

I've created the Country table then I was thinking to modify the "Add OU" feature just to let me take those values from the countries table. But before proceeding with that I would like to ask, if maybe Is there any built in way to map the Country Table to OU at root level?

Thank you very much !


Hello I was planning to use LDAP. I have no tried yet, but I need to know something In advance.

Once it is enabled, the application will allow the used to login the application using the same Username and password he is using in window for an specific domain.

But at the same time will the roles defined in the ASP.NET Zero application continue working for that users? Or I need to create some map from Active directory user names to the local users table?

Thank you very much !!


Hello I'm trying to use the Metronics datepicker, copied the css js and referenced them to the page, then initialize the datepicked as on the sample. I'm always getting something like this, do you have any idea? Thank you.

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