HEllo This following line rise the user friendly error as attached var xxx = outputxxx.MapTo<EntityXXX>();
<customErrors mode="RemoteOnly">
<error statusCode="404" redirect="~/Error/E404" />
</system.web> <runtime>
Pleas could you le me know where to disable it to let me troubleshoot it. Thank you very much.
Hello Thank you, yes I have multitenancy disabled. Ive found that the first time (after DB is deleted manually) when running the command Update-Database, the seed was not running, then as a consequence the basic tables are empty, this is why I have the error. I had to run Update-Database additional times to get the seed running.
I usually have to delete the database, and recreate it, every time, after working on the Entities and DB Context, I realize that structure update is inconsistent if you run Update-Database over an existent database.
Thank you !!!
I realize that I have added manually a table to the database, to copy data to the project data, and then forget to remove it, I guess this messed up the migrations even deleting and recreating the database. Have not tried deleting the Migrations table anyway. Started with a project backup to create the database then used the most updated version to update it, now it works. Do you think that the problems could be related? Thank you !!
Thank you very much !! Yes I'm using English, yes I could see the logic to load the language js file, I've tried, to download the grid from the original site, not changes neither. Have not found the solution yet, will left this to be fixed once more advanced on the project. Best regards
Hello Thank you Sorry I thought maybe it was something known, and maybe you had a clue. I've tried to avoid investing time on this if possible, since this is working on the demo app.
It is IE explorer 11.0.9600.18449 but I realize that it is not displayed on Chrome (Version 53.0.2785.116 m (64-bit)) neither.
This is what I get after comparing the local application against the demo you are hosting. On the pages coming from the demo server I can see the "Loading Rercords..." message but not in the pages coming from the local server.
ChromeConsole: Local server: no errors, just one warning about an XMLHTTPREQUEST depreceted in jquery. Demo Server: same warning about jquery plus 3 errors about missing fonts.
IEConsole: Local Server: no errorsjust some HTML warnings Demo Server: 1 error: 'changeTexts' is undefined (File: Index.js, Line: 54, Column: 37) and the same HTML warnings as above.
EDIT: I've modified the language text grid to show 500 records to make it more evident.
Will continue on this, if you have any idea it will be very welcome. Best regards and thank you.
Hello I've tried on two different Computers Win 7 Enterprise and Win 10 professional, using Visual Studio 2015. (Single Tenant, MVC Multiple Pages) When the grid is loading data ,the overlay message "Loading Records" is not displayed, on the local project, but I've tested the online sample from this website and it works fine. For the users it seems the application is frozen since the Loading Records message is not displayed. See the video <a class="postlink" href="https://vimeo.com/184733380">https://vimeo.com/184733380</a> , the first IE tab is the local one and the second one is the demo on this site. Is someone else having this issue?
Thank you