Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "sgeeks"

It's working now, Thanks 😃.

I can't able to find Program.BuildWebHost().

Thanks for your replay. I can't able to find Program.BuildWebHost() and when I Delete the *.EntityFrameworkCore/Migrations folder, it's giving me errors - 

Hi everyone, I'm having a problem When I'm trying to update-database in Postgre SQL I can't able to create all the table. I'm Using .net core 2.2 with angular

  1. I Install Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL (package (Version 2.2.0))
  2. In GrantVantageDbContextConfigurer.cs i replace the builder.UseSqlServer method with builder.UseNpgsql method.
  3. in Migrations files i replace "SqlServer:ValueGenerationStrategy" with “Npgsql:ValueGenerationStrategy” and "IdentityColumn" with "NpgsqlValueGenerationStrategy.SerialColumn" and MaxLength of Value from 67108864 to 10485760
  4. and change it's connection

but can only able to create only 28 table instead of 35 table. But when i do it with sql server i'm able to create all 35 tables.

When trying to update database getting this error- Posgre SQL- SQL Server - <span class="colour" style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0)">Can anybody help?</span>

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