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Activities of "squaresunion"

Hello Guys, I noticed that in the native code of server side code (angular 5 .Net core) to read the appsettings.json file using this code JObject.Parse(File.ReadAllText("appsettings.json")); Is this working if I create a file appsettings.Production.json will this read the correct production file automatically if I change the ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT to production? Or it is going to find appsettings.json on the drive? How does this work?


Hello Guys, I Would like to know if I can copy users password directly from my former Asp.Net Sql Server Membership database to Aspnet zero .net core membership database without any change. Any body knows how this works?


Hello Guys, I was able to figure out how to do things here. Please take a look at this class TenantRoleAndUserBuilder and use the existing code as example.

I even tried to add those roles in the database initialisation and it is still not working. Dont see my new roles in the UI in the roles datalist. Can somebody help? Please?

Yes but now I have bad suprise. I dont see the roles I hardcoded in the UI. What am I doing wrong? Shouldnt this be working?

roleManagementConfig.StaticRoles.Add( new StaticRoleDefinition( StaticRoleNames.Host.Client, MultiTenancySides.Host) ); roleManagementConfig.StaticRoles.Add( new StaticRoleDefinition( StaticRoleNames.Host.Employees, MultiTenancySides.Host) );

Hello Guys, Does somebody know how to assign default permissions to default static roles. I would like to be set up those permission to static roles at the start of the application and administrator shouldnt be able to modify it. I already know how to create default static roles (AppRoleConfig.cs)

Thanks in advance for answering.

found the answer :) if class SquaresUnionCoreModule find line of code if (DebugHelper.IsDebug) { //Disabling email sending in debug mode Configuration.ReplaceService<IEmailSender, NullEmailSender>(DependencyLifeStyle.Transient); } Hope this will help somebody else. Regards

Hello, Ive been looking for this in vain. How to activate email in debug mode please. Working on .Net Core/Angular 5.


<cite>aaron: </cite> You can post to a controller in *.Web.Host project, and then return Content("") or return Redirect("") to your Angular app.

I tried that but it is redirecting me to login/home systematically. You what I will just create another .Net Core App for that. It is the simple way to do this.

Thanks a lot for your help

Has aspnet Zero found a way to manage this problem?

You should post to your remote service instead of your app.[/quote]

I though about this but the problem is that I need to display a result to the end user. How do I do that from a service

Showing 11 to 20 of 45 entries