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Activities of "squaresunion"

Hello, I am running into a huge issue here. I am working with a payment processor and have to receiver a post request into my application page in my web site. The problem is that angular 5 route doesnt accept post request. Didnt know that. Has aspnet Zero found a way to manage this problem? Dude I've never seen anything about this limitation on angular 5 man that sucks like hell.

Please help

Ok found the proper way to do it.

SqlParameter param = new SqlParameter() { ParameterName = "@MyID", SqlDbType = SqlDbType.BigInt, Direction = ParameterDirection.Output }; var t = g.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("EXEC sp_GetNextBusinessId @MyID OUT", param);

this works fine

Hello something that is really killing me

trying to execute a stored proc (Angular 5 .Net Core) g.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("EXEC sp_GetNextBusinessId"); But is is always returning -1. Tried to use an output parameter, always returning value 0; Can somebody help. Please.


I found it for others you need to inject

IDbContextProvider<AbpDbContext> _dbContext;

then u canhave the dbcontext doing



Hello I am using EF Core. I need to inject the dbcontext in my service to perform custom sql queries. basically to query sequence. Do u know how to do it?

Hello, How to do a simple sql query withing the dbContext. I mean everything we usually used do not work: dbContext.Database.SqlQuery is not available. Why is this not available? How do to it?


Hello, you saying entity.Property(e => e.Property).IsUnicode(false); to the related field? But which related field? I dont even know what the error is related to...

its working! it was basically because of the header bar component. U have to be logged in if you want it to work otherwise it will force your app to go to the login page. you also have to modify the auth-route-guard.ts file as well. Hum Aspbnet Zero should make the template evolve. if user is not logging then header bar should not try to display user information or display something like "login" like it is in by default. :evil: Now I have to do it myself.

Thanks for you help aaron.

<cite>aaron: </cite> Is there any error in the console?

this this.appSession.getShownLoginName(); in the header component required the user to be logged on. If current user is not logged on page wont renderer. So I have to create my page outside the app folder.

Did some investiguations if you go to auth-route-guard.ts and deactivate login page as fall back page if user is not logging the app goes to my about us page as expected but there is an error in the header component saying it coudlnt find the information of the current user and so on. So definetly I think this is happening because I have the header component in my pages and to have thoses pages displayed properly I need to remove header from them.

Pretty sure thats the issue. So now how to do episode...

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