Those settings should be correct. (We use them, and SendGrid works fine for us.)
It does take 10-15 minutes for mails do be delivered, though.
Also, remember that, by default, emails are disabled in debug mode.
<cite>ismcagdas: </cite> Hi @brightpath,
Permissions are cached, so you should use RoleManager's GrantPermissionAsync method to grant a permission to a role.
How are we supposed to do this via migrations?
We have added a new set of pages with their own permissions (that are non-revokable), so how do we assign those permissions to existing users when we run the database migration?
My guess is the MVC5 version references ABP 3.0 now, which targets .net standard 2.0.
To use .net standard 2.0 (which is part of .net core 2.0) you need the VS 2017 15.3 update (or, as others have pointed out, the appropriate VS2015 update.)
Startup errors are usually the cause here.
Have you tried remote debugging?
Did you install the .net core 2.0 runtime and SDK? Sometimes the VS2017 update fails to install them properly.
It sounds similar to how I'm looking at using it, with the exception that I don't think wrapping the state machine is necessary.
In our case, however, we will need to transition around various MVC views after state transitions, so I'm trying to figure out the best way to accomplish that (we are not using angular.)
A module is typically defined as a class library, so in your case if you are building multiple layers, you should have multiple modules.
<cite>bilalhaidar: </cite> Sounds great Ismail
I did a research today and found stateless 3.0 hosted over It's a state machine implementation in c# and could be used to define such work flows by code.
Its a simple state machine but good enough for me to define a workflow and do things like send email for a task with link to Form, create a task object for users, include My Inbox and other simple features.
Can I do all this coding stuff in a new module and add it as dependency to AppService so as not to clutter AppService with workflow stuff? Or what's the recommendation for including new modules?
Have you thought up a way to cleanly transition to treat views as part of the state? This seems like a library that could also be some use to us as well, but it seems less well-suited to
I could see building state into application layer objects, but I'm not sure how you would trigger state transitions to cause view changes?
I suppose you could build a redirect utility and incorporate that in the state transitions?
I looked at that, but the ABP framework does not expose a way to register an instance directly.
I managed to get it working by doing the following:
var config = AppConfigurations.Get(typeof(CustomsMigratorModule).GetAssembly().GetDirectoryPathOrNull());
But that seems really messy. Is there a reason that IocManager does now have a way to register an instance built into it?
I would think you would also want to define a custom model binder, as well, so you can unzip during model binding, instead of having to messily accessing the post body from a request event.