Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "strix20"

It is imperative that teams (like us) that are paying for perpetual licenses have adequate time to plan and prepare for the coming framework changes.

I have routes that have parameters.

How do we add these to the AppMenuItem definitions?

I'm looking for some guidance on this. I'm really confused by the 5.5 implementation of AbpCommonHub and ChatHub, because they appear to simply override each other.

Both set abp.signalr.connect and then call abp.signalr.connect if autoconnect is enable.

But if it is not, then how do we connect to both? In this case it appears that the common hub defined in abp.signalr-client.js will never start, thus breaking notifications.

Is this an oversight?

How do we extend an existing hub once it is registered? I need to add some methods to the common hub, in addition to defining a new hub of my own.

Also as an aside, now that the hubs are split into multiple endpoints and the dynamic proxies are gone, does anyone happen to know if multiple hub connections with retain the same connectionId?

We have some modals (partial views) that take complex objects as parameters in their controller. The objects are not stored in the database, so they cannot simply be passed as an ID.

How can we use the modal manager to open a modal when the request needs to be made via ajax post and passed an object as a parameter?

So we have the need to create some seeded static roles that will exist for all tenants. After looking into the code, I've been able to duplicate how the admin and user roles are created.

In the tenant create method, I can create the seeded roles, and copy over permissions from the host role, no problem.

However, what we want to configure are strictly tenant based permissions. For example, we have entire sections of the site that are tenant only, and we want to create a "Demo" role that we can configure in the host that has only read permission (not edit or delete) for all tenant-related pages.

Then, when a new tenant is created, they automatically inheret a copy of this role, that they can then modify as they see fit.

We want to be able to edit the host version of this role easily in the GUI, should we add new features, etc. We do NOT expect these edits to propagate to existing tenants, nor would we want it to (because it might override their edits.)

The easiest solution we can see is to change the role domain rules to show all permissions to hosts, but we also don't love the idea of actual host roles accidentally being assigned tenant specific permissions.

We've thought about duplicating the role editor front end code, but that's a great deal of duplication.

Has anyone else run into a similar need? Do any of you at Volosoft have any suggestions for how we might proceed?

Hey Guys,

We're implementing our own page 'transitioner' in between server calls. I've looked for the current circle icon transitioner when a user authenticates and is routed to the dashboard but can't seem to find it. Any idea where this lives and what its called?



We are wanting to create a reusable sub-nav / menu for a series of pages that belong to an entity.

For example, the main navigation provider has a link to 'Companies'. Clicking this navigates the user to a list view of companies where the user can then click the Action drop down to then navigate to the 'Details' view of a company.

The 'Details' view of a particular company is where we want to create a reusable navigation provider for a left navigation which will have other pages that are associates of a Company Entity such as Company Documents, Contacts, Addresses etc.

What is the best approach to appending the Company Id to these links if we are using a custom menu that extends the NavigationProvider class? Thanks.

Castle.MicroKernel.ComponentActivator.ComponentActivatorException : ComponentActivator: could not instantiate Strix.Customs.Tests.Configuration.TestAppConfigurationAccessor
---- System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException : Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
-------- System.IO.FileNotFoundException : The configuration file 'appsettings.json' was not found and is not optional.

appsettings.json is set to copy always.

Any ideas why none of the unit tests work?


Has anyone had success with a different M5 layout?

It looks like the M5 source is included but not required, and it's missing the required lib files to compile the scss.

Would it be best to try and fix that and compile from scratch, or download a distribution of a different layout?


I upgraded the project to 5.0, but it seems 5.0 release is missing the migration to update existing users with the new app permissions.

Please provide.

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