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Activities of "suruat"


I added a few new notifications to AppNotifier.cs. For Example:

public async Task NotifyMemberOfGroupUpdateAsync(User reciever, User invitingUser, long groupId, string message, NotificationType notificationType)
    var notificationData = new MessageNotificationData(message);
    notificationData["memberPictureUrl"] = (invitingUser.ProfilePicture != null) ? invitingUser.ProfilePicture.LocationUrl : "";
    notificationData["groupId"] = groupId;
    notificationData["notificationType"] = (int)notificationType;

    await _notificationPublisher.PublishAsync(
        data: notificationData,
        severity: NotificationSeverity.Info,
        userIds: new[] { reciever.ToUserIdentifier() });

My question is, when these notifications are published, is it automactically also emitted via signalR or do I need to do somthing to emit it realtime via signalR. I checked the SignalRChatCommunicator.cs file in the Web.Core project and I don't see a signalR method that is sending it. I only see (getChatMessage, getFriendshipRequest, getUserConnectNotification, getUserStateChange, getallUnreadMessagesOfUserRead and getReadStateChange)

Thanks @aaron, That seemed to have worked for me.

Oh Sorry!

Trying this now.

Sorry I wasnt clear. Im more interesting in capturing the actual public client IP address from the incoming reqesting. Currently that oa not happening. Im only getting the known IP. How can I do this?

Does anyone have any idea about this?

I have my api deployed to an Azure Appplication service. The audit table is working just fine but it is not capturing ClientIpAddress it always shows the same IP. Does anyone know how I can fix this?

Issue resolved, this was due to changes I made to the GetAll() call.

@ismcagdas After some investigation, I am confident the issue is not with the permissions but rather with the roles. There are a few things I am noticing with the Roles.

  1. The Roles name in the database has strange data. The Non Static Roles have mangled strings as names:
  2. When I look at the data, I see that the User has the role assign, both in the UI and in the database and token, But for some reason It stops pulling the permissions to the UI, The problem might be with The GETALL() call as The GrantedPermission is empty. Gonna try debuging that code, I will update with my findings. I just wanted to leave this here first incase you had an answer for me

Bump to top, since it seems like this question was missed.

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