Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "vladsd"


@alper - thanks. I see INotificationPublisher which implements database based notification, and subscribe/publish paradigm. I was hoping zero can extend it to include 3rd party SMS service, and native email system


@alper - thank you. While it works for templates you predefined, it would not work if you want non programmer to change template content.

I found a good directory of prebuild template system. Maybe Zero can adopt one? <a class="postlink" href=""></a>

done, thanks. see <a class="postlink" href=""> ... ssues/3082</a>

Looks like a simple configuration enhancement?

Can I override AbpWebApiModule and PostInitialize?


@alper, thanks.

For net.core I found When an application service is converted to an MVC Controller, it's default route will look like this: /api/services/<module-name>/<service-name>/<method-name>. For example, if ProductAppService defines a Create method, it's URL will be /api/services/app/product/create (assuming that the module name is 'app').

So I can change /app/ to /v1/

  1. What about base path, like /api/services/, I want to change '' - empty string so just /api/
  2. What about custom mapping path, for example I want to remap all reference to OgranizationUnits controllers, simply to Groups, can I configure it?

Thanks for help.

@ ismcagda thanks for suggestion, I found that doing for each loop and mapping by hand solves the issue. not elegant but working. in general please consider an easy way to add properties to features and have those properties appear on front end for display, like image, color, etc.

@ ismcagdas, you are correct and @BobIngham has a good description of forms idea and his implementation approach seems to be very standard.

@ismcagdas - thanks for advise on modals full screen, its a workaround. if you add this as a feature to next release, please let me know. thanks.


Here are top 4 docs tools <a class="postlink" href=""></a>


thanks for consideration.

one feature is missing from current tool is to define scope to be User, now I only see tenant, and host.

Also another view should be introduced to display entity to user, in your examples with cars, it should be car component which display info on the selected car. So it would be car-view.component.ts car-view.component.html

I do not want to debate modal dialogs but if you using UI that supposed to scale well on mobile, modal dialogs is not the way to go, as they do not flow well or flow off the screen.

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