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Activities of "worthyvii"

IMessagesAppService <> MessagesAppService Is found fine with DI Iお知らせAppService <>お知らせAppService is not found.

Is there a way to make it automatically work with Japanese names too?


I have a message reporting system. When a user writes and saves a message, the message is tied strictly to that user view their TenantID. All "related" (connected in some table) other Tenants can see this message. I think ABP automatically writes TenantId on Create, but I would like to know, which layer of the system does this responsibility technically lye in? Application or repository? Or even domain (constructor of the entity doesn't have session info though)

Next question is: We have an order system. This means there are 2 tenant ID's written on the order entity. This is fine. After an order is processed, a "shipment" is created by the person sending it. In this case, and for the sake of indexing, we have both tenant1 and 2 on the shipment (normalized, we could read this from the related order, but its slow so we have to denormalize). Where would the responsibility for this lie? Would this be a domain logic thing and so, the constructor for a shipment should take an Order?


Perfect thank you. I totally saw this before and completely forgot about it.


I am trying to pull a "Message" and show it to the user. A message has a CreatedUserId. When I display the message, I also want to display the users name. (Which is not held on the Message object).

I can think of several ways to do this, please give me some feedback about what to do in this case. Here are some ideas:

  1. Create an application method "GetForView" which will use the repository for the user, and build a specific ForViewDto.
  2. Use the default Dto for Message, but add a "username" field, and make AutoMapper fetch the username during mapping.
  3. The client calls for the message first, then fills in the username with a separate ajax request after. (seems slow)

If 1) seems correct, then my concern is that this is a "for view" thing which isn't really the application layers responsibility, or is it? 2) is probably the solution everyone goes with?


Is there a fast and easy way to manager permission for CRUD operations other than:

<app service> [AbpPermissionStuff} public update(updateDto updateinput){ base.updatewhatever }

^ Is this the recommended way to apply the permission?

Ah, it was renamed to PagedAndSortedResultRequestDto

Update the docssssssss

Where is this class?

Documented here: <a class="postlink" href=""> ... tting-list</a>

But nothing: <a class="postlink" href=""> ... questInput</a>

Ok this was down to the App.Config in the test project. It needs to be configured to be using the Effort provider instead of your usual one. That fixes all problems


I think you want to be using the tenant manager, multi-tenancy, and look at using EntityFramework.dynamicfilters for this filtering

Oh no, what fixed the problem was running a single test by itself... something seems wrong.

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