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Hi, we have problem that after deployment of new version - we see "new version", but still some functionality not working. After clearing browser cache "manually" - it works (or in incocnito mode).
Is there any possiblity to show some Popup window after new version is published "New version .... Press OK" and when pressing OK button, the browser cache is deleted? Or do you have some other hints?
9 Answer(s)
Hi @pliaspzero,
I have actually implemented something like this in my application. My implementation isn't ideal where I'm using a polling task in the UI to a "GetVersion" endpoint, where I compare the version to a value that is stored in localStorage. If those values don't match, I show an alert that a new version is available, and when they click the OK button, it reloads the window.
The main dependency is that any browser cacheable assets include a cache buster
I can look at my implementation and see if this is something generic I can offer back to the ANZ community.
Ideally my implementation would have used SignalR & websockets rather than an explicit polling task from the browser, but perhaps the team would be able to make it "right".
Give me a day or two to wrap up something I'm working on now, and I should be able to pull you an example implementation I check for a new version. -Brian
Hi @sedulen that would be cool - thx in advance !
We have added this to hist project <myProjectname>.Web.Host.csproj
<Target Name="PrepublishScript" BeforeTargets="ComputeFilesToPublish"> <Exec Command="gulp build" /> <Exec Command="node --max_old_space_size=8192 node_modules/@angular/cli/bin/ng build --prod --aot --outputHashing=all" />
Any other ideas?
Hi @pliaspzero,
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Hi @pliaspzero
I will be providing my work to the ASPNZ team in the github ticket that @ismcagdas referenced. My project last week took longer than expected, but I finished it up over the weekend, so I should be able to get caught up on your question this week.
Thanks @sedulen :)
We really appriciate your contributions.
Thanks @sedulen :)
Thanks @sedulen :)
Hi All,
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