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Hello Dear,
we are developing new portal with multitenancy enabled each tenant would be on a separate database as business requirement
our concern now that we can't find a way to display all realted tenant’s entities data from the host dashboard
For Example
If we have an Entity "Client" that is available on Host and Tenants with ImayHaveTenant interface
is there a way to display all client’s information with different tenants on the host dashboard ?
I’m aware that there is impersonate feature where I can login by tenant username and see the client’s data for that tenant, but we asking if we able to manage this or display all records from host screens ?
4 Answer(s)
Hi @amasanad
For such cases, it is better to collect all data in Host database and generate dashboard from Host database. We are following a similar approach for filling AbpUserAccounts table. You can create a table on Host side and also create a class similar to for syncronizing data to Host database. After all, you can generate your report from Host database.
i've try to do Synchronizer class for an entity
when trying to add new enitty from tenant it goes through infinite loop of insertiaons, what is the issue ?and i've another question how to handel primary keys on tenant for this case
tenatn A can add new plan and with PK id = 1
tenatn B can add new plan and with PK id = 1
as they are on diffrenet databases, shall i add refrence to the PK like UserId on UserAccount ?/// <summary> /// Synchronizes a user's information to user account. /// </summary> public class InsurancePlanSynchronizer : IEventHandler<EntityCreatedEventData<InsurancePlan>>, //IEventHandler<EntityDeletedEventData<InsurancePlan>>, //IEventHandler<EntityUpdatedEventData<InsurancePlan>>, ITransientDependency { private readonly IRepository<InsurancePlan, int> _planRepository; private readonly IUnitOfWorkManager _unitOfWorkManager; /// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> public InsurancePlanSynchronizer( IRepository<InsurancePlan, int> planRepo, IUnitOfWorkManager unitOfWorkManager) { _planRepository = planRepo; _unitOfWorkManager = unitOfWorkManager; } /// <summary> /// Handles creation event of user /// </summary> public virtual void HandleEvent(EntityCreatedEventData<InsurancePlan> eventData) { _unitOfWorkManager.WithUnitOfWork(() => { using (_unitOfWorkManager.Current.SetTenantId(null)) { _planRepository.Insert(new InsurancePlan { TenantId = eventData.Entity.TenantId, NameAr = eventData.Entity.NameAr, }); } }); } }
[AbpAuthorize(AppPermissions.Pages_InsurancePlans_Create)] protected virtual async Task Create(CreateOrEditInsurancePlanDto input) { var insurancePlan = ObjectMapper.Map<InsurancePlan>(input); if (AbpSession.TenantId != null) { insurancePlan.TenantId = (int?)AbpSession.TenantId; } await _insurancePlanRepository.InsertAsync(insurancePlan); await CurrentUnitOfWork.SaveChangesAsync(); }
Hi @amasanad
It happens because you use same table to sync data.
will always be fired after you create InsurancePlan. It will not check if It is in the tenant db or host db. You may use another db table to sync data on host side (like we did in Or add a new field to your data to check if it is synchronized data or not. If it is synchronized data. Don't do anything. And you will breake the loop. -
Hi @amasanad
It happens because you use same table to sync data.
will always be fired after you create InsurancePlan. It will not check if It is in the tenant db or host db. You may use another db table to sync data on host side (like we did in Or add a new field to your data to check if it is synchronized data or not. If it is synchronized data. Don't do anything. And you will breake the loop.Hi,
We have a similar requirements as well but not related to the Dashboard. We need to display data from a table that exists in all separate tenant databases to a new page in Host. Is it possible to get data for all tenants if I logged in as host without duplicating data into host database? It is a make or break requirement for us! I am using latest version of aspnet core and angular project.