When selecting the Language/Culture at the top of the screen, the British flag is shown beside the word "English". However, the date format that is used is American which is "mm/dd/yyyy" which is very confusing. The UK/British date format is "dd/mm/yyyy".
Would it be possible to correct this by using "dd/mm/yyyy" instead when selecting the British flag and maybe adding a USA flag for the "mm/dd/yyyy" format.
3 Answer(s)
Hi @Mitch,
You can change the flah of current English language and add en-gb/en-us languages seperately. I assume when we set culture to only "en" ASP.NET thinks it is en-us. If so, we should change the default language name to English(US).
Hi @Mitch I encountered this issue recently and overcame it by the following
Created a new record in SQL table AbpLanguages with displayName='English (UK), icon=famfamfam-flags gb , Name=en-GB Duplicated file MyProject.Web.Mvc\wwwroot\Common\Scripts\Datatables\Translations\English.json as English (United Kingdom).json to overcome a datatables javascript error.
Thanks @mumfie,
I didn't know there was a problem with datatables.