I'm using ASP.NET Zero Core MVC JQuery version is 7.0.0. I need to create a form with multiple fields (15 or more) and save those fields in multiple tables. What is the best way to achieve this? I tried to create a View with all the fields and then add a submit button to call a Save action in the Controller, but I get an error: HTTP Error 415.
17 Answer(s)
I have used Wizard and Tabbed Portlets from the Metronic UI for my large forms.
I have also used Profile form from Metronic UI. Try these out.
but I get an error: HTTP Error 415.
What is the ContentType and request body of your http request header?
You can see it in the browser's network panel.
Thanks exInt, I'll check the links you provided.
Maliming, the ContentType is 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'.
I tried to do the call from javascript like this:
(function () {
$(function () {
var _portsAppService = abp.services.app.ports;var portForm = null; $('#Save').click(function () { portForm = $('#CreatePortForm').serializeFormToObject(); _portsAppService.create({ port: portForm } ); }) });
and I'm getting a Validation error message: "Your request is not valid!", which is correct, because I don't know how to call the validation from javascript. How can I call the validation from javascript for a View?
I did some searching and I think the code in in the Login.cshtml, Login.js, EmailActivation.cshtml and EmailActivation.js files is what I need to do. I'm I right Maliming?
I'm still getting error HTTP Error 415:
This is the Header info from Developer Tool:
@oaalvarado - If you have the below code in your js when calling the app service, it should handle the validation.
var address = _$addressInformationForm.serializeFormToObject(); _modalManager.setBusy(true); _addresssService .createAddress(address) .done(function(result) { abp.event.trigger("addressCreated", { id: result }); _modalManager.close(); abp.event.trigger("app.createAddressModalSaved"); }) .always(function() { _modalManager.setBusy(false); }) .fail(function() { _modalManager.setBusy(false); });
Your app service method should be like this.
public async Task CreateAddress(CreateAddressInput input) { var address = ObjectMapper.Map
(input); if (AbpSession.TenantId != null) { address.TenantId = (int)AbpSession.TenantId; } //Create address var newId = await _addressRepository.InsertAndGetIdAsync(address); return newId; }
Hi exInt,
Thanks for the code. If I understand the code correctly, it is for a modal View. But I am not using a modal View, and want to use a normal View, because in the form I have to include several datatables, and this datatables will have modal Views to add or edit data.
Also, I don't know how to fix the "HTTP Error 415". How can I specify the Content Type in the submit? I believe the correct Content Type would be "application/JSON", right?
I have used the Metronic Wizard for updating multiple tables. Each step in my wizard calls a different app service and updates a different table. I think you can use the wizard to do the same for your use case.
hi oaalvarado
Can you share the code for the
method of yourportsAppService
?At the same time, if you type in the chrome console:
So what is the output code?You can double-click the output to locate it in a JavaScript file.
Hi maliming,
This is the code for the Create method in portsAppService:
[AbpAuthorize(AppPermissions.Pages_Ports_Create)] public async Task Create(CreatePortDto input) { var organization = new Organization() { Name = input.Name, Logo = null, //input.Logo, Address = input.Address, Phone1 = input.Phone1, Phone2 = input.Phone2, Fax = input.Fax, EMail1 = input.EMail1, EMail2 = input.EMail2, Website = input.Website, CategoryId = input.CategoryId, CountryId = input.CountryId, CityId = input.CityId }; var result = await _organizationRepository.InsertAsync(organization); var port = new PortDetail() { Code = input.Code, Governance = input.Governance, OrganizationId = result.Id }; var result2 = await _portDetailRepository.InsertAsync(port); }
This is the output for abp.services.
I have noticed that when I click in the Save button, the code in the portsAppService is not called. Neither the code in the Javascript. I think maybe is something with the CSHTML? This is the Create.cshtml code (I removed part of the code that is irrelevant):
@using CPMS.Authorization
@using CPMS.Web.Areas.App.Models.Ports
@using CPMS.Web.Areas.App.Startup@model CreatePortViewModel
ViewBag.CurrentPageName = AppPageNames.Application.Ports;
}@section Scripts
<script abp-src="/view-resources/Areas/App/Views/Ports/Create.js" asp-append-version="true"></script>
}**<form class="kt-form createPort-form" id="CreatePortForm" name="CreatePortForm" role="form" novalidate asp-action="Create" asp-controller="Ports" asp-area="App" method="post">** <div class="kt-subheader kt-grid__item"> <div class="kt-subheader__main"> <h3 class="kt-subheader__title"> <span>@L("CreateNewPort")</span> </h3> <span class="kt-subheader__separator kt-subheader__separator--v"></span> <div class="kt-subheader__desc"> @*<h3> @Model.Code - @Model.Name </h3>*@ </div> </div> <div class="kt-subheader__toolbar"> <div class="kt-subheader__wrapper"> <button id="ReturnPortList" class="btn btn-primary"><i class="fa fa-backward"></i> @L("PortsList")</button> ** <button id="Save" type="submit" class="btn btn-secondary btn-outline-secondary"><i class="fa fa-save"></i> @L("Save")</button>** <button id="SaveAndEdit" type="submit" class="btn btn-secondary btn-outline-secondary"><i class="fa fa-save"></i> @L("SaveAndEdit")</button> </div> </div> </div>
When I click the submit button, it goes to this URL: http://localhost:62114/api/services/app/Ports/Create but displays the error: HTTP Error 415.
Thanks for your help.
Hi @oaalvarado,
You might have javascript problems. Can you try to enable preserve log in Google Chrome's Console and try again ?
If you are redirected to this URL, then the 415 error is expected because browser makes a GET request to this URL instead of POST.
Hi @ismcagdas,
Sorry for the late response, I was out of the office last week. I enabled the Preserve log in Dev Tools and tried to Save a new port. At first I had a javascript error, the script file was not loading. I fixed this, and now I get this error in the Dev Tool Console:
POST http://localhost:62114/api/services/app/Ports/Create 415 (Unsupported Media Type)
Thanks for your help.
@oaalvarado Can I take a look at it remotely?
If you can, please send a teamviewer connection info to liming.ma@volosoft.com
Hi @maliming,
The organization I work for doesn't allow the use of Teamviewer. I have Skype for Business. Is there another way to connect?
Hi @maliming,
I did the following as a test, created a simple View with 2 fields, added the code in controller and model to save the data from the View, but when I click the button to do the Post action, it displays the error message HTTP Error 415. I did this in a demo project, not the one I'm working on.
hi @oaalvarado
Can you reproduce your problem using Zero's Demo project and share it with me(liming.ma@volosoft.com)?
I think it should be easy for you to reproduce the problem.
This way I can locate and solve your problem as quickly as possible. : ) -
Hi maliming,
The issue was with the javascript. It works now. Thanks for your help.