We have our site on mysite.com/www.mysite.com As of now, we added A records such that mysite.com goes to a wordpress site and * goes to ASPNETZero site
I am trying to setup a connection workflow so that non-tenant links redirect to wordpress instead of host Also, I need to leave open a subdomain "portal" for admins to access, Im assuming through a specific subdomain since we're restricting access to all 'failed' subdomains
I believe this is a table that explains the cases: | URL | outcome | current status | | --- | --- | --- | | mysite.com | wordpress site | working | | client.mysite.com | tenant site | working | | admin.mysite.com | Host site, IP restricted | 'works', but needs IP restrictions | | [noTenant].mysite.com | redirect to wordpress site | not working |
Looking in the API I see that the WebUrlServiceBase.cs seems to be where some of this takes place Unfortunately I am unable to debug in local and the routes only seem active in live
I found this in github which only is a local not external redirect on fail: https://github.com/aspnetboilerplate/aspnetboilerplate/issues/3958
Also, I think a possible solution would be in RedirectToExternalLoginPageAsync or something within the AccountController all together where I would test if tenant exists, if not go to mysite.com. I couldn't find specific information on rerouting within the application.
I was wondering if you had suggestions on what my approach could be?
5 Answer(s)
If the url contains the tenant name but the tenant does not exist, you can redirect it in the front-end application.
exists in the url, but tenant does not exist, then redirect tomysite.com
.For angular,
will be an entry point. For MVC, you can consider using js script. -
We're using Angular2/.NETCore setup and I found the AppPreBootstrap.ts file
I frankensteined a new method within AppPreBootstrap.run:
[...] const queryStringObj = UrlHelper.getQueryParameters(); // Go to External site if tenant doesn't exist if (AppPreBootstrap.checkTenant(() => { AppPreBootstrap.getUserConfiguration(callback); })) { window.location.href = environment.siteRoute; } if (queryStringObj.redirect && queryStringObj.redirect === 'TenantRegistration') { [...] // New check method private static checkTenant(callback: () => void): boolean { let returnVal = false; console.log('checkTenant'); const subdomainTenancyNameFinder = new SubdomainTenancyNameFinder(); const tenancyName = subdomainTenancyNameFinder.getCurrentTenancyNameOrNull(AppConsts.appBaseUrl); let input = new IsTenantAvailableInput(); input.tenancyName = tenancyName; let requestHeaders = AppPreBootstrap.getRequetHeadersWithDefaultValues(); XmlHttpRequestHelper.ajax( 'POST', AppConsts.remoteServiceBaseUrl + '/api/services/app/Account/IsTenantAvailable', requestHeaders, input, (response) => { let result = response.result; switch (result.state) { case TenantAvailabilityState.Available: returnVal = false; break; case TenantAvailabilityState.InActive: returnVal = false; break; case TenantAvailabilityState.NotFound: returnVal = true; break; } callback(); } ); return returnVal; }
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 (Bad Request) [http://localhost:19945/api/services/app/Account/IsTenantAvailable?d=1589320901545]
I kept trying with no success so I deciced to put the reroute code somewhere else. I thought app-session.service would be a good place and modified init:
init(): Promise<UiCustomizationSettingsDto> { if (!AppConsts.tenantName || this.checkTenant()) { window.location.href = environment.siteRoute; }... ------------ checkTenant(): boolean { let returnVal = false; let input = new IsTenantAvailableInput(); input.tenancyName = AppConsts.tenantName; this._accountService.isTenantAvailable(input) .subscribe((result: IsTenantAvailableOutput) => { switch (result.state) { case TenantAvailabilityState.NotFound: //NotFound window.location.href = environment.siteRoute; break; } }); return returnVal; }
I ended up with this which seems to do what I need it to
@maliming - everything works except I cant access Host account any longer I noticed that the Host account on main database had tenant name of 'Default' so I assumed that would take me to Host account default.mysite.com just takes me to a tenant called default with No Host permissions
In app-session.service.ts I updated isCurrentTenant method:
private isCurrentTenant(tenantId?: number) { let isTenant = tenantId > 0; if (tenantId === 1 && AppConsts.tenantName.toLowerCase() === 'default') { // this is new host return true; } ...
I am unsure where I can alias my host account - now that http://mysite.com goes to my wordpress site
Is admin.mysite.com and client.mysite.com referst to same deployment on your server ? If so, you need to create your own version of
(see https://aspnetboilerplate.com/Pages/Documents/Multi-Tenancy#determining-current-tenant).In your custom class you can return null if tenancy name is "admin" and execute default behaviour if not.
So I had the right idea but wrong followthrough
Because a tenant 'Default' exists it tried to push me there I needed to change my app-session to this:
init(): Promise<UiCustomizationSettingsDto> { if (environment.production && (!AppConsts.tenantName || this.checkTenant())) { window.location.href = environment.siteRoute; } return new Promise<UiCustomizationSettingsDto>((resolve, reject) => { this._sessionService.getCurrentLoginInformations().toPromise().then((result: GetCurrentLoginInformationsOutput) => { this._application = result.application; this._user = result.user; this._tenant = result.tenant; this._theme = result.theme; resolve(result.theme); }, (err) => { reject(err); }); }); } checkTenant() { let input = new IsTenantAvailableInput(); input.tenancyName = AppConsts.tenantName; if (AppConsts.tenantName.toLowerCase() === 'portal') { return false; } this._accountService.isTenantAvailable(input) .subscribe((result: IsTenantAvailableOutput) => { switch (result.state) { case TenantAvailabilityState.Available: console.log('Available'); return false; case TenantAvailabilityState.InActive: console.log('InActive'); return false; case TenantAvailabilityState.NotFound: console.log('NotFound'); window.location.href = environment.siteRoute; return true; default: return false; } }); } changeTenantIfNeeded(tenantId?: number): boolean { if (this.isCurrentTenant(tenantId)) { return false; } abp.multiTenancy.setTenantIdCookie(tenantId); location.reload(); return true; } private isCurrentTenant(tenantId?: number) { let isTenant = tenantId > 0; if (AppConsts.tenantName.toLowerCase() === 'portal') { // this is new host return true; } if (!isTenant && !this.tenant) { // this is host return true; } if (!tenantId && this.tenant) { return false; } else if (tenantId && (!this.tenant || this.tenant.id !== tenantId)) { return false; } return true; }