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Activate Email Does not work #9378

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andry3ag created

Hi Team,

We have recently downloaded the ASP.Net Core 3x with Anguylar 9.x (version 8.6). I have triggered the "/api/services/app/Account/SendEmailActivationLink" and I have recieved the activation email successfully but when I click the "Verify" button, I get navigated to a page with 404 on screen as shown by screen shot below. I have also tried to copy paste the link below in the email as suggested (screen shot below), and still get to same error. When I take a closer look in the URL (

I can see that its trying to hit the "confirm-email" endpoint under the account controller, however I do not see that mehod in the back-end. The only end-point that makes sense under account controller is "/api/services/app/Account/ActivateEmail" where its takes UserID,ComfirmationCode and C. But if I wanna hit the "/api/services/app/Account/ActivateEmail" endpoint what confirmation code do I use in request body? I do not see any confirmation code in the email. In the URL send in email I can see that the string paramater C is passed. Do I need to use that string? Decode/Encode?

I also have to mention that were still using the demo project to do our dev work. Not sure if that has a effect on anything. Can you please let me know what I need to do?






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