Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "Bernard"

Sorry , this line was missing

     _optionsAccessor = optionsAccessor;


after installing elsa 2, I have an issue in Usermanager the
InitializeOptionsAsync(int? tenantId) method failed



Elsa page loads but i have an CSS and JS issue

Console error


Hi, Configureelsa not found

Using elsa v2.14.1 on Web.Mvc project


I wanted to know if you knew if it is possible to integrate Elsa 2 with our own interface and form

the idea is to allow each tenant to inject parameters into workflows already created

thanks in advance


I found the solution Don't tick the case below


Hi, I am not sure about the domain name parameter for sending emails, is the configuration below correct because it does not work

Hi Thks for answer 🙂


Could you tell me please why the nested file min.js is ignored for git :

The problem is when i modified this file it won't upload in Azure devops Repository and i must copy/paste always the main js file into the min.js to make everything work . It seems that the min.js file are called first Should I change git parameters on these files for integrate when sending in azure devops repository? Thks


I found the solution , it seems that we must declare dataTable at the top of the file and call the dataTable after like :


var _$ligneConventionsTable = $('#MasterDetailChild_Convention_LigneConventionsTable'); var _$ConventionsTable = $('#ConventionsTable');


` function getLigneConventions() { dataTable.ajax.reload();

_$ConventionsTable.DataTable().ajax.reload(); } ` I don't understand why ? Hope this will help others


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