Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "Bernard"

Sorry, but what are the arguments ?

private readonly IDynamicEntityPropertyValueAppService _dynamicValues; var listdynamic = _dynamicValues.GetAllDynamicEntityPropertyValues(Person);??

Should the service be called in a Js view like CreateorEdit.js for my entity an example would be welcome

I tried with this method in PersonController :

``[AbpMvcAuthorize(AppPermissions.Pages_Contacts_Create, AppPermissions.Pages_Contacts_Create)]
public async Task<ActionResult> CreateOrEdit(int? id)
    GetPersonForEditOutput getPersonForEditOutput;

    if (id.HasValue)
        getPersonForEditOutput = await _personsAppService.GetPersonForEdit(new EntityDto { Id = (int)id });

        getPersonForEditOutput = new GetPersonForEditOutput
            Person = new CreateOrEditPersonDto()

        getPersonForEditOutput.Person.Intitule = "A DEFINIR";
        getPersonForEditOutput.Person.Source = ListSource.BackOffice;
        getPersonForEditOutput.Person.Statut = ListeStatutPerson.ColdLead;
        getPersonForEditOutput.Person.DateNaissance = DateTime.Now;


    getPersonForEditOutput.Person.TypePerson = TypePerson.Physique;
    getPersonForEditOutput.Person.ProfilPhysique = ListeProfilPhysique.Contact;

    var allDynamicProperties = (await _dynamicPropertyAppService.GetAll()).Items.ToList();
    var definedPropertyIds = (await _dynamicEntityPropertyAppService.GetAllPropertiesOfAnEntity(new DynamicEntityPropertyGetAllInput() { EntityFullName = "Person" }))
        .Items.Select(x => x.DynamicPropertyId).ToList();

    var viewModel = new CreateOrEditPersonViewModel()
        Person = getPersonForEditOutput.Person,
        PersonIntitule = getPersonForEditOutput.PersonIntitule,
        DynamicProperties = allDynamicProperties.Where(x => !definedPropertyIds.Contains(x.Id)).ToList()

    return View(viewModel);

Is it right ? I don't know how display Values in View

Hi Ismail

Thks 👍



Is it possible to display a dynamic entity properties, in a view and how please ? The objective being to dynamically display the position and the dynamic field in a view



Thks Ismail !



How can i start WEB.MVC project with a landing / public html page and Login with Menu like :

I change these lines in HomeController (Web.Mvc)

to get Is it the good pratice ?



Hi Thanks 🙏


Hi Ismail Thank you so much 😊



is it possible to allow tenants using Stripe for their own customers?

Thanks for your help


Hi Can I add more visual settings choices and add a new template? And how can I update the metronic 8 template it seems not be the last Thks

Hi Ismail,

The solution here works fine

  1. Run yarn add @elsa-workflows/elsa-workflows-studio into solution root
  2. Run yarn add @elsa-workflows/elsa-workflow-designer into solution root
  3. Run yarn add monaco-editor into solution root
  4. Go to node_modules created folder for yarn and copy 3 distribution folders
  5. Then create a Elsa folder into wwwroot and paste 3 copied foldres from node_modules
  6. Modify _Host: href="/Elsa/elsa-workflows-studio/assets/images/favicon-32x32.png" href="/Elsa/elsa-workflows-studio/assets/images/favicon-16x16.png" href="/Elsa/elsa-workflows-studio/assets/fonts/inter/inter.css" href="/Elsa/elsa-workflows-studio/elsa-workflows-studio.css" src="/Elsa/monaco-editor/min/vs/loader.js" src="/Elsa/elsa-workflows-studio/elsa-workflows-studio.esm.js" monaco-lib-path="Elsa/monaco-editor/min"

Another solution is to add the cdn live link

I think you should update your documentation to follow this process.

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