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aspnet, angular, 5.1.0 If I am not mistaken 5.10 implements PrimeNG 4.2.2. Does that mean we still use DataTable and not TurboTable? I can't see "Prime" in the 5.3 milestone. Are there plans to upgrade?


@ dparizek bump. bump. bump. Build the database, reverse to models, create the UI. I am with you.

@ismcagdas - thanks for your time on this. I will come back to the problem later but I'm beginning to think that the ability to get and set values on the server give me little advantage. I will take a look at mapping to a typescript interface in Angular later but all-in-all I think a simple nvarchar(max) with raw json will give me better results. Again, thanks for your efforts.


@ismcagdas - thanks.

@ismcagdas - perhaps an easier question would be to ask: Once I have ExtensionData set as follows,

{"DataProviderId":"653","DateOfBirth":"03/02/1971 00:00:00"}

how the hell do I iterate over it in Angular?

I have tried pipes and Object.keys but I am getting nothing meaningful.

Is there any code examples of using IExtendableObject in Angular or should I revert to using plain JSON saved in an nvarchar(max) column?

@ismcagdas - the tests gave me a lot of pointers, thanks.
I read a third party database, get the relevant row and iterate through the columns in the database using sys.columns and, if the cell has a value I save it into a dictionary. I serialise the dictionary and pass it back to Zero where it is deserialised and then, using a foreach loop, I use entity.SetData() for each key-value-pair. I now have a set of entities in Zero and I want to get the data from ExtensionData. Each entity has a different number of kvp's and each may have different values for keys. My question is:

Is there any foreach mechanism to read through each KVP in the IExtensibleObject interface or am I faced with casting json back to a dymanic object and iterating through that (which kind of negates the whole point of IExtensibleObject?


@ismcagdas - thsnk, I can roll my own but it's always better to have a frame of reference. When designing the setup of the system features and features within editions are a key point of architecture.

Ishmael, there's a lot of code below because I can't work out what file extensions are allowed! The issue is trivial in that it creates a warning on Github which can be ignored, but here are the cli versions and package.json contents. Yarn.lock is too big to post here. Angular CLI:

Angular CLI: 1.6.3
Node: 8.9.1
OS: win32 x64
Angular: 5.1.2
... animations, common, compiler, compiler-cli, core, forms
... http, platform-browser, platform-browser-dynamic
... platform-server, router

@angular/cli: 1.6.3
@angular-devkit/build-optimizer: 0.0.36
@angular-devkit/core: 0.0.22
@angular-devkit/schematics: 0.0.42
@ngtools/json-schema: 1.1.0
@ngtools/webpack: 1.9.3
@schematics/angular: 0.1.11
@schematics/schematics: 0.0.11
typescript: 2.4.2
webpack: 3.10.0


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Now I see. The method CreateFeatureIfNotExists() is written to work with Boolean Features only, to support testing for chat features. By modifying the method as follows:

private void CreateFeatureIfNotExists(int editionId, string featureName, string value)
    var defaultEditionChatFeature = _context.EditionFeatureSettings.IgnoreQueryFilters()
                                                .FirstOrDefault(ef => ef.EditionId == editionId && ef.Name == featureName);

    if (defaultEditionChatFeature == null)
        _context.EditionFeatureSettings.Add(new EditionFeatureSetting
            Name = featureName,
            Value = value,
            EditionId = editionId

And passing in a string value as opposed to a boolean for isEnabled. The method is written to work with Boolean Features only, the above method changes it to a Value Feature. In fact I believe the terminology is misleading here, a Boolean Feature is identical to a Value feature except that it holds a string value for "true" or "false". Correct me if I am wrong. I think the source would benefit from making the above changes, as it stands it is not possible to test Value features without modification.

I have three editions based on the number of devices registered with the system. The number of devices is defined as a feature. In DefaultEditionCreator I create these editions, for example here is the default edition:

var defaultEdition = _context.Editions.IgnoreQueryFilters().FirstOrDefault(e => e.Name == EditionManager.DefaultEditionName);
if (defaultEdition == null)
    defaultEdition = new SubscribableEdition {
        Name = EditionManager.DefaultEditionName,
        DisplayName = EditionManager.DefaultEditionName,
        MonthlyPrice = 200,
        AnnualPrice = 2000,
        TrialDayCount = 14,
        WaitingDayAfterExpire = 3

    CreateFeatureIfNotExists(defaultEdition.Id, AppFeatures.MaxUserCount, false);
    CreateFeatureIfNotExists(defaultEdition.Id, AppFeatures.MaxDeviceCount, true);

Now I create my ten device edition:

var tenDeviceEdition = _context.Editions.IgnoreQueryFilters().FirstOrDefault(e => e.Name == "10 devices");
if (tenDeviceEdition == null)
    tenDeviceEdition = new SubscribableEdition
        Name = "10 devices",
        DisplayName = "10 devices",
        MonthlyPrice = 350,
        AnnualPrice = 3500,
        WaitingDayAfterExpire = 7

    CreateFeatureIfNotExists(tenDeviceEdition.Id, AppFeatures.MaxUserCount, false);
    CreateFeatureIfNotExists(tenDeviceEdition.Id, AppFeatures.MaxDeviceCount, true);

Now I want to set the value of MaxDeviceCount for the ten device edition to 10. The method DefaultEditionCreator.CreateEditions() is synchronous. All of the methods for EditionManager and IEditionAppService are asynchronous. I want to set the edition feature value in a similar way to that used in the test, EditionAppService_Tests.Should_Update_Edition():

var output = await _editionAppService.GetEditionForEdit(new NullableIdDto(defaultEdition.Id));

            //Changing a sample feature value
            var chatFeature = output.FeatureValues.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Name == AppFeatures.ChatFeature);
            if (chatFeature != null)
                chatFeature.Value = chatFeature.Value = "true";

My question is:

Is there any way to set feature values for editions in DefaultEditionCreator.CreateEditions()?

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