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Activities of "FlexSolution"

Okay, thanks for the info.

What do you think about the suggestion that you have the option to select fields as multilingual in the PowerTool? Then you could do it faster and easier.

Additionally, as a second extension, it might be an option to implement such fields in the same translation mask as the XML files. You could control this with an option in the settings, for example. So you could still make a custom version or integrate it into the existing translation page as needed.

What do you think?

We use the Angular + Code version (6.9.1)

When we create a page with the PowerTool there are errors with the modals. The main problem is that you display the modal only with "show" and "hide" and replace the data.

The modal should always be completely reloaded when editing an entry.

Examples of errors:

I have an error message when validating a field. I close the modal without saving and open another entry. All error messages are immediately visible although I haven't changed anything in the new entry yet.

I have readonly fields depending on the settings for some entries. If I edit an entry and the fields become readonly then they remain readonly for every entry I open afterwards.

We've changed that for us, but you might want to change it for you too to make it effective for everyone?

I have a question about that, too. If I use such a MultiLingual Entity, what about the translation for the individual languages?

Do I have to create my own page or is it implemented so that I can edit these translations on the same page that you use for the translations from the XML files?

@alexanderpilhar did you find the bug? None of the combinations work for me.

We are using the .net Core + Angular version 6.9.1 and I wanted to do the same. I wanted to have several xml files so I could organize the translations more clearly.

I have the same problem. No matter what I do, the additional files are ignored. It only takes the translation from the main file.

We use angular.

When you create pages through the PowerTools everywhere is an autofocus contained but not in the modals. It would be nice if you open a modal that automatically the first active field becomes an autofocus.

I don't think it's a good solution to hide something in the view. We have a concept here that works through an API so anything that is locked should not work through the API. If I only disable it in the template it is still possible to change it through the API.

Thank you. That was the mistake. Sorry

Is there a way to disable visual settings for all users? I would like to activate a template and this should be valid for all users without the possibility to change it.

Showing 31 to 40 of 53 entries