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Activities of "FlexSolution"

I'm sorry, but your answers still won't help me.

You ask in your first answer where the problem is and don't completely answer my question. So again. This is my problem:

Let's just do it with the example that I already wrote in the first post.

My question was quite concrete. Where is this file? /src/app/core/_config/demo1/layout.config.ts

This file does not exist. So where can I make all the changes I should normally make there according to the template documentation?


The Metronic theme offers the possibility to use svg icons. Version 6 uses SVG icons wherever possible.

Is there a way to use the SVG icons in the navigation of the Angular + Core version?

The flags in the new version are also all designed as SVG. What is the best way to integrate them in this way?

Let me ask you a general question. The original template has a lot of finished components in the angular version.

Why don't you just use them? This would be much easier to maintain. For example, in the last theme update all classes were changed. Instead of changing everything on each page by hand, you would just have to correct the few components and everything would be ready.

If there weren't any now and you had to do it all new, I'd still be able to imagine that it's a lot of work and that you're currently focusing on other things, but there are a lot of things there.

It would also be much easier for all customers to make their own changes and updates. And I'm talking about the basics here. Portlet, Error, Header...

What is the reason why you didn't take over something so important (from my point of view)?

Hi, I have problems creating child routes in main routing module.

{ path: 'vehicles/vehicles', component: VehiclesComponent, data: { permission: 'Pages.Vehicles' }, children: [{ path: 'statistic', component: StatisticVehicleComponent }] },

and I'm trying to redirect to it from code:

this.router.navigate(['/app/main/vehicles/vehicles/statistic']).then(() => {

but I'm always getting error that route doesn't exist.

What I'm doing wrong, should I register somewhere else the route or I'm calling this router in wrong way?



We are using Wizard angular component for our forms but the validation is only posible on final step.

I was wondering is there any easy solution for validating every step of wizard before we press next button on it or we should implement our own solution for this problems?

Thanks, BM

We have a new developer on the team and he can't access the edit functions.

We've analyzed the whole thing. The fact is that if you don't use an old database but create a new one by migration, there are permission problems in the application. We then tested this with the other developers as well. They all deleted the database once and then simply had a new one created using migration.

No one has more access to the service we created. The only possibility is to remove "[AbpAuthorize(AppPermissions.XXX)]". It mainly affects the edit.

Could somebody please try this on their own?

Have there been any changes since version 7.0 that could cause this?

We had version 6.9 before and changed to 7.2.2 a couple of weeks ago.

We use the Core + Angular version.

I found the logs.txt, this is from file:

INFO  2019-10-19 15:37:49,929 [20   ] soft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Internal.WebHost - Request starting HTTP/1.1 POST http://localhost:22742/api/services/app/Customers/CreateOrEdit application/json-patch+json 1895
INFO  2019-10-19 15:37:49,929 [20   ] pNetCore.Cors.Infrastructure.CorsService - CORS policy execution failed.
INFO  2019-10-19 15:37:49,929 [20   ] pNetCore.Cors.Infrastructure.CorsService - Request origin http://localhost:22742 does not have permission to access the resource.
INFO  2019-10-19 15:37:49,933 [20   ] ft.AspNetCore.Routing.EndpointMiddleware - Executing endpoint 'FlexSped.Customers.CustomersAppService.CreateOrEdit (FlexSped.Application)'
INFO  2019-10-19 15:37:49,936 [20   ] ore.Mvc.Internal.ControllerActionInvoker - Route matched with {area = "app", action = "CreateOrEdit", controller = "Customers"}. Executing action FlexSped.Customers.CustomersAppService.CreateOrEdit (FlexSped.Application)
INFO  2019-10-19 15:37:49,936 [20   ] pNetCore.Cors.Infrastructure.CorsService - CORS policy execution failed.
INFO  2019-10-19 15:37:49,936 [20   ] pNetCore.Cors.Infrastructure.CorsService - Request origin http://localhost:22742 does not have permission to access the resource.

This has nothing to do with the problem.

If I test directly via Swagger then the error is triggered via the API and therefore the port of the API is in the log.

Of course it doesn't work with Angular too.

As I said before, it only affects the edit pages. Create and delete are no problem.

We continued to monitor the logs and found the following error message: Mvc.ExceptionHandling.AbpExceptionFilter - Missing type map configuration or unsupported mapping.

Is anything different on the Automapper since the update, so that this problem can arise?

OK, I check on mapings, and add .ReverseMap() where is missing, and look like problem is gone for missing type map.

Initial problem, from begining, is when I drop DB, and create new one with all migrations, and run FlexSped.Web.Host in debug mode, when login through swagger to test API, with default tenant, admin username and password (123qwe), get this:

Any help with that?

We have not deleted the cookies. The problem is no longer present.

Maybe it was the cookies.

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