Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "Kelly"

I am using the Asp.Net Core & Angular template, and want to convert to an existing SQL Server 2017 database. The Database uses Sequences to generate the primary key. I noticed that if I change the AuditLogs table to use a Sequence Id (NEXT VALUE FOR [Sequences].[AuditLogId]), I get a database concurrency exception. Are Sequences supported?

I was able to resolve this by adding the following to OnModelCreating();

            .ToTable("AuditLogs", "Application")
            .Property(x => x.Id)
            .HasDefaultValueSql("NEXT VALUE FOR [Sequences].[AuditLogId]");

If anyone knows a better way to handle this, please comment. I have over 100 tables in this database, so this will get a little tedious.

Hello, I am trying to add a subfolder under admin, and have a menu item that loads a component. Is this supported? I am not able to route to the component instead, it redirects to notifications. I am not getting any errors either. I have a subfolder lookup-lists under admin. Here is my app-navigation-service:

        new AppMenuItem('Administration', '', 'flaticon-interface-8', '', [
            new AppMenuItem('LookupLists', '', 'flaticon-folder-2', '', [
                new AppMenuItem('Categories', 'Pages.Administration.Categories', 'flaticon-signs', '/app/admin/lookup-lists/categories'),
                new AppMenuItem('Tasks', 'Pages.Administration.Tasks', 'flaticon-list-1', '/app/admin/lookup-lists/tasks'),
                new AppMenuItem('Airports', 'Pages.Administration.Airports', 'flaticon-suitcase', '/app/admin/lookup-lists/airports'),
                new AppMenuItem('Airlines', 'Pages.Administration.Airlines', 'flaticon-paper-plane', '/app/admin/lookup-lists/airlines')
            new AppMenuItem('OrganizationUnits', 'Pages.Administration.OrganizationUnits', 'flaticon-map', '/app/admin/organization-units'),

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.


I noticed that when you use the RAD Tool to "Load from Database" and enter a connection string to my database, I get a message "There is no table in the database". Yet, if I change the connection string database to the template database schema, it works. Does this feature not support tables names that do not start with Abp. or schemas other then dbo.? I use Schema names and table names that are different (e.g. Marketing.Projects). If not, are there plans to support?

Are you sure? if I create a table in my database that does not have a custom Schema like Marketing.Categories , but rather just dbo.Table1 it shows up (and only that table). if I rename Table1 to dbo.Categories so that I have a table dbo.Categories and Marketing.Categories, then two tables show up to pick.


Is there any plans for RAD Tool to support generating entities and front end based off a stored procedure or view in the database?



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