Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "Kelly"

I am using the Asp.Net Core & Angular template, and want to convert to an existing SQL Server 2017 database. The Database uses Sequences to generate the primary key. I noticed that if I change the AuditLogs table to use a Sequence Id (NEXT VALUE FOR [Sequences].[AuditLogId]), I get a database concurrency exception. Are Sequences supported?

Hello, I am trying to add a subfolder under admin, and have a menu item that loads a component. Is this supported? I am not able to route to the component instead, it redirects to notifications. I am not getting any errors either. I have a subfolder lookup-lists under admin. Here is my app-navigation-service:

        new AppMenuItem('Administration', '', 'flaticon-interface-8', '', [
            new AppMenuItem('LookupLists', '', 'flaticon-folder-2', '', [
                new AppMenuItem('Categories', 'Pages.Administration.Categories', 'flaticon-signs', '/app/admin/lookup-lists/categories'),
                new AppMenuItem('Tasks', 'Pages.Administration.Tasks', 'flaticon-list-1', '/app/admin/lookup-lists/tasks'),
                new AppMenuItem('Airports', 'Pages.Administration.Airports', 'flaticon-suitcase', '/app/admin/lookup-lists/airports'),
                new AppMenuItem('Airlines', 'Pages.Administration.Airlines', 'flaticon-paper-plane', '/app/admin/lookup-lists/airlines')
            new AppMenuItem('OrganizationUnits', 'Pages.Administration.OrganizationUnits', 'flaticon-map', '/app/admin/organization-units'),

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.


I noticed that when you use the RAD Tool to "Load from Database" and enter a connection string to my database, I get a message "There is no table in the database". Yet, if I change the connection string database to the template database schema, it works. Does this feature not support tables names that do not start with Abp. or schemas other then dbo.? I use Schema names and table names that are different (e.g. Marketing.Projects). If not, are there plans to support?


Is there any plans for RAD Tool to support generating entities and front end based off a stored procedure or view in the database?



Showing 1 to 4 of 4 entries