Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "Leonardo.Willrich"

Ok, maybe, the users are still using cached website pages/scripts and haven't reloaded with CTRL+F5.


I could access the item, but, I didn't understand how the cache is invalidated in the clients. Could you explain how to do it? Also, what is gonna happen if the user is not logged in at that time, will he miss the notification?

Hi Ismcagdas,

As it is hosted in production, the request should be coming from some customer computer. I don't know how to map what is the origin. It is an event from AuthConfigurer for SignalR apparently. Do you how if there is a way to identify the requester in this case?

Checking AbpAuditLogs for the last 24 hours, with ExecptionMessage not null, I can see a high number (100 more or less) of this message: "Refresh token is not valid!"

Can it be related?

It is working fine on the template. Will compare with my solution and see what is missing.

Ok, I'll do.

Sorry, I missed that information. We are using AspNetZero MVC Core + JQuery version 11.4.1.

Yes, I can. Recently I haven't changed too much the project entities. I'll let you know when it is happening again.

Hi Ismcagdas,

The packages are already installed. This is a very odd issue. It s working, and suddenly it stops. And the solution is to install EntityFramework package, uninstall it, save the project, restart VS, and then the PMC commands are back to work.

See my packages:

Hi Ismcagdas,

I'm the only developer on this project at the moment. I don't have another machine to test it, I'm working from home full-time and my resources are quite limited. I don't have permission to send the project, besides, it is a quite big project and would require some instructions to set up all enviroment, if you want to run it.

I would suggest to have remote session, so, I can share my screen. Does that suit you? If so, tell me when next week would you be available?

Kind regards, Leonardo Willrich.

My application is not working well on Firefox due to some libraries. I'll try Edge. Just one more piece of information, the error happens even if I don't change any source code. I restarted my machine, opened VS 2022, ran the application and was just navigating between menus, after 5 minutes more or less, the error appears. The only solution is to close the browser and rebuild the application and run it again.

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