Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "Mitch"

Thanks for confirming.

So how do I find out what Roles the current user has assigned if IsInRoleAsync returns a random GUID value? It only seems to work for Admin and User as they don't use GUID's for the name.

I want to check for the Role "Manager" in the Current User

Thanks for the quick response. The project is MVC Core jQuery 11.3 (not Angular!)


I've had a response from SendGrid which has solved my issue.

For the Username, you must type "apikey" and not use your API key ID value like I thought when following instructions. It wasn't clear that you don't actually use your API key where it says "apikey"!

Very confusing.

Anyway, all sorted now.

Thanks, removing --webkit-scrollbar from style.bundle.css did the trick!

Thanks for responding.

We're using Telerik Kendo controls which normally have standard width scrollbars until they are used in ASP Net Zero when they become very narrow as shown below.

I've tried to find the source of the styling that's affecting the controls scrollbars and when I looked on the Metronic website, all of their scrollbars are thin too.

So, I tried to find where the scrollbar styling was to be found in the Metronic files but couldn't find anything which is why I asked the question.

I hope this helps.

That's fantastic. Many thanks for all your help.

BINGO! Thank you so much! I'd correctly set up all the values except for WebSiteRootAddress

"ServerRootAddress": "https://{TENANCY_NAME}", "ClientRootAddress": "https://{TENANCY_NAME}", "CorsOrigins": "https://{TENANCY_NAME}", "WebSiteRootAddress": THIS WAS INCORRECT!

Now it's working, is there a simple way of showing the Clients logo on the login screen by using the Tenancy name? i.e. Is it possible to use the TENANCY_NAME to find a matching image that uses the Tenancy name such as {TENANCY_NAME}.jpg

HI @ismcagdas

I've been trying it with and without the https:// prefix and I've added it to appsettings and appsettings.production.json.

Nothing seems to work which is why I was asking if anyone had managed to make it work with Azure Web Apps as I was beginning to think there might be a specific issue with Web apps.

Any suggestions of how what to try next would be appreciated.

I first updated to 3,5,1 and tested. All was ok. I've now updated to 3.6.0 and that seems fine too.

Many thanks for your help.

@samara081 Thanks for the tip.

My point was that the Getting Started Guide just says to use "update-database" which is now incorrect as it no longer works with HeathChecksEnabled by default.

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