Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "ProjectIridium"

Thanks, those links help. The blog sample project comes close to what I was thinking ... I'm just deciding if the effort to keep it separate like that is worth it my case.

Awesome, thanks, that works nicely.

I finally got a version of this that works, I didn't use any of the built-in tasks above, I used a .yml file directly. The hardest part was getting the bundled files to work. Hope this helps someone. --Andy


# AspNetZero pipeline # Andy Weston - 10/5/2018 # pool: vmImage: 'VS2017-Win2016' demands: npm steps: - task: DotNetCoreInstaller@0 displayName: Use .NET Core sdk inputs: version: 2.1.402 - powershell: .\build\build-publish.ps1 $(Build.DefinitionName) $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory) - task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1

<span class="colour" style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0)"><span class="colour" style="color:rgb(24, 24, 24)"><span class="colour" style="color:rgb(24, 24, 24)"><span class="colour" style="color:rgb(24, 24, 24)">build-publish.ps1</span></span></span></span>

param($buildConfiguration, $artifactStagingDirectory) cd ./src/Iridium.Operations.Web.Mvc npm install gulp yarn npm run create-bundles dotnet publish -f netcoreapp2.1 -c $buildConfiguration -o $artifactStagingDirectory cd ../Iridium.Operations.Migrator dotnet publish -f netcoreapp2.1 -c $buildConfiguration -o $artifactStagingDirectory\migrator cd ../..

Thanks, I'll give that a try. Would anyone mind sharing their YAML build file? I'll post mine once I get it working.

Well, this is embarrassing, I used "Partners" instead of "Partner", so now it works. Please ignore me.

(I got past my resource error by editting the .csproj file and removing the explicit resource) Thanks --Andy

Thanks, this got me too and was not obvious, the "Or you can just build your solution" part got me.

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