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Activities of "Romka"


I write in this post because we have the very same problem than this one, and we can't figure out what to do to fix (I initally wrote in the other thread but it did'nt reopen it, that's why I create a new one) ====>'t-see-Tenants-and-Settings-in-admin-console

=> I login as a tenant's user => I "switch back to my account" which is the host admin => I can only see the Administration menu (we removed the Demo ui Components).

It does not occurs each time. When it occurs, if I put a breakpoint, say, in the getCurrentLoginInformations method, I can see that the current user is the right one (UserId 1, TenantId null). If I execute in the immediate window this.PermissionChecker.IsGranted(xxxxx.Authorization.AppPermissions.Pages_Tenants), it returns false.

Any idea on this ?


I write in this post because we have the very same problem, and we can't figure out what to do to fix.

=> I login as a tenant's user => I "switch back to my account" which is the host admin => I can only see the Administration menu (we removed the Demo ui Components).

It does not occurs each time. When it occurs, if I put a breakpoint, say, in the getCurrentLoginInformations method, I can see that the current user is the right one (UserId 1, TenantId null). If I execute in the immediate window this.PermissionChecker.IsGranted(xxxxx.Authorization.AppPermissions.Pages_Tenants), it returns false.

Any idea on this ?


Hello again,

please help me. I configures my ADFS (a test enviroment in a VM) and added my aspnetzero-based application as a "non-claims aware relying trust".

I still cannot login ; I don't knwon what to put into the "tenant" setting in aspnetzero configuration. I am able to reach the metadata url from the computer which hosts aspnetzero.

I created an user in AD and gave him a microsoft account email address.

When trying to log in, I get this message :

Please help !



any news from this ?

I don't known what to put in my ADFS server :


Thanks for answer, mailiming !



I'm sorry to bother you with that again ; our customer asks us for an approximative date for this feature... so it will depend on the release date for aspnetzero 8.1. Do you know an approx date for this release ?



Thanks for answer.

So, we'll wait for this update, instead of hacking something unsupported.



I try to enable LDAP in multitenancy mode. I already read this thread :

but the first link leads to a 404.

Could you point me in the right direction ? I need to be able to enable ldap login, uncommenting line : "this.Configuration.Modules.ZeroLdap().Enable(typeof(AppLdapAuthenticationSource));"

but, with the "Configuration.MultiTenancy.IsEnabled" set to "true" (in XXX.CoreModule.cs). Even if only one tenant is created.



Ok, I wrote there.

Thanks !



I noticed that multitenancy must be disabled in order to set up ldap authentication (aspnetcore + angular, up-to-date version).

But we need to implement ldap authentication anyway, something like a different Active Directory domain for each tenant, or even some tenants using AD but some not, etc.

Is there a "clean" way to achieve this ?


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