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Activities of "TimMackey"

Still need help with this.

It took a bit to figure out how to pass parameters, but finally did. Here's what I ended up with. <a routerLink="/app/main/ttm-page_7" [queryParams]="{menuId: 7}">

Behaves just like navigation from the sidebar menu. Thank you! :)

Works great! Thanks.

I want to navigate to a page (normally accessed via the sidebar navigation menu) from an anchor tag. This will provide my users 2 ways of navigating to their desired page. How can I accomplish this without reloading the page? See 8205 for code samples.

The solution I settled on was to test if (AbpSession.ImpersonatorUserId == 1), then don't call _userManager.GetUserByIdAsync, since by definition if the UserId is 1, then I know who the user is - the host admin.

A specific case. Before I investigated further, I re-created a new database. Problem not seen again.

Is Alerts the recommended (and documented) notification service?

I was referring to UI Alerts Upon closer inspection it appears that this is for MVC apps only (please correct me if I misunderstand).

How can I control notify style on a global basis?

In src/styles.css I modified .swal2-popup.swal2-toast .swal2-header, .swal2-popup.swal2-toast .swal2-title, .swal2-popup.swal2-toast .swal2-content class to globally affect all notifiy messages. Thank you for that.

How can I change the position and timer on global basis? I don't want to edit every notify message with {timer: 5000, position: 'center'}

notify is defined in app-compoent.base.ts. So, yes, scope may be the issue What I really want to accomplish is increasing the font size for all notifications. How can I control notify style on a global basis?

I seems that NotifyService is defined in abp-ng2-module, which wraps abp.notify. I'm unable to see inside this wrapper. The service is not documented. It does not behave as sweetalert2. Is notify a legacy service? Is Alerts the recommended (and documented) notification service?

CSS is loaded. 100px !important does not change font size.

It appears to be happening automatically. The notify element doesn't have an id, so I don't know how one could get its element ref and add the class in ts. Could you please provide some code (and where to add it) that might solve this issue?

Showing 161 to 170 of 398 entries