Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "TimMackey"

style.bundl.min.css has different contents, depending on the setting in appBaseUrl.

Screenshots sent to [email protected] Subject: Re: appBaseUrl setting alters page format... (#10257)

Deploying ANZ version 8.1.0. The issue does need to get resolved before I can upgrade beyond ANZ version 8.5.0.


The error reported above has stopped occurring; cause unknown.

Configuring email settings resolved this issue.

Two examples of the Verify emails have been sent. Please note the link addresses of each.

Additional instructions sent to [email protected]

'Publish' copies all appsettings.json files to wwwroot. If "CorsOrigins" is not identical for appsettings.Development.json and appsettings.Production.json and appsettings.json, the CORS error occurs. It appears that appsettings.Development.json is still being referenced from somewhere.

Updated confirming email sent to info@aspnetzero Subject: [MyDomain] account email activation = RE: #10256

ANZ version 8.1.0 angular/.net core

When publishing .Web.Host to server, an inconsistent file structure is created.

All .dll, .pdb, and other misc file types are published under wwwroot. However, an additional wwwroot structure containing Common, Plugins, Temp, etc. folders is created, resulting in a dir structure like:


Is this correct?

Yes. Address sent to [email protected]

Yes. Please notice the black lock icon visible in the first screenshot. Domain name sent to [email protected].

Showing 81 to 90 of 398 entries