Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "TimMackey"

Version 6.2.0

When editing the role of "User" (when logged in as 'admin'), one cannot pick and chose selections from the available permissions and make changes existent to 'User' roles. While the top-of-menu choices of 'Dashboard' and 'Demo UI Components' can be made available to the User role when logged in as 'admin', the submenu choices under 'Administration' is all-or-nothing.

For example, when choosing 'Subscription', the 'Administration' choice is also automatically selected. When logged in with 'User' role, neither 'Administration' nor 'Subscription' is presented in the sidebar menu.

Is this by design? If yes, what do I need to change in order to make selected submenu permissions available to Users?

I see the AbpPermissions table is populated with permissions for Role ADMIN. I haven't had any luck finding the code that adds rows to AbpPermissions for Role USER. Can you provide any guidance? Thank you.

I attempted to 'Load an Entity from a Database' with the following selections:

Windows 10 cmd shell produced the following:

-> InstitutionsAppService.cs is being generated.
-> IInstitutionsAppService.cs is being generated.
-> InstitutionsConsts.cs is being generated.
-> CreateOrEditInstitutionsDto.cs is being generated.
-> InstitutionsDto.cs is being generated.
-> GetAllForLookupTableInput.cs is being generated.
-> GetAllInstitutionsInput.cs is being generated.
-> GetInstitutionsForView.cs is being generated.
-> GetInstitutionsForEditOutput.cs is being generated.
-> Institutions.cs is being generated.
-> AppPermissions.cs is being modified.
-> AppAuthorizationProvider.cs is being modified.
-> ngTTMDbContext.cs is being modified.
-> CustomDtoMapper.cs is being modified.
Running add-migration...
Build failed.
Running update-database...
Build failed.
-> ngTTM.xml is being modified.

Code generation is complete. Press ENTER to exit...

127 files were created or modified. 15 files in asp-net-core/src/ngTTM, the remainder in new folder 'AspNetZeroRadTool'.

The documentation states the following files (substituting 'cars' for 'institutions') should be created for Angular:




(Main or Admin)-routing.module.ts
(Main or Admin).module.ts

No files were modified or created in my application's '/angular' folder. Why?

Release 6.2.0 has the same logo names created in many components:

root.module.ts metaImage.setAttribute('content', window.location.origin + '/assets/common/images/app-logo-on-' + ui.getAsideSkin() + '.svg');

invoice.components.ts companyLogo = AppConsts.appBaseUrl + '/assets/common/images/logo.svg';

topbar.component.ts defaultLogo = AppConsts.appBaseUrl + '/assets/common/images/app-logo-on-' + this.ui.getAsideSkin() + '.svg';

UserNotificationHelper.ts icon: abp.appPath + 'assets/common/images/app-logo-small.svg',

default-brand.component.ts defaultLogo = AppConsts.appBaseUrl + '/assets/common/images/app-logo-on-' + this.ui.getAsideSkin() + '.svg';

I want to use .png file types in my app. Instead of having to change 5 files every upgrade cycle, it would be easier if all the logo names were consolidated in a single file.

Opening and closing the menu causes the hamburger to move, due to the icon appearing and pushing the hamburger over. Which means the user must find the hamburger and move the mouse each time they want to open or close the menubar. It would make more sense to keep the hamburger stationary and put the icon to the right of it, or to keep the icon permanently visible on the left. Anything to keep the hamburger from moving.

In general, changing the position of visual elments depending on the mode the app is in is IMHO a poor GUI.


I was experimenting with the Visual Settings today. Prior to experimenting, the menu bar appeared only when clicking the hamburger. Now I can't seem to find any combination of settings that will return to a default state of hidden. There is always a menubar on the left side, either a full with description, or icons. 'Allow side hiding' never hides the menubar when screen width is greater than 1024 pixels. How to I get back to a hidable menubar state?

This morning all browsers are reporting: uses an invalid security certificate.
The certificate is only valid for



Please fix.

'package.json' file misidentifies this version: "version": "6.1.0",

I would like to integrate Font Awesome 5.2.0 Pro icons into my app. I tried following their instructions by copying the files and adding a link to index.html...

<link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/icons/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css">

... but these instructions do not work in an ASP.NET Zero-based app.

How do I integrate and use the Pro icons? Would you please include an example of how to replace 'fa fa-plus' with 'far fa-plus-circle'?

Showing 81 to 90 of 113 entries