Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "adudley"

Do you have any idea why the API doesn't work when we deploy to Azure then? I assumed this was the issue, hence the "InternalServerError".

Hi maliming

I'm not getting anything more than the following:

Hi maliming

ASP.NET Zero version? - I've tried v7.0.0 and v7.2.2 (ASP.NET Core & Angular)

(ASP.NET Core & Angular)

While "Web.Host" is running, start a new instance of the project in the test folder called "ConsoleApiClient" - you will observe that it is able to successfully obtain an access token:

However, when attempting to access an API endpoint i.e. "GetUsers" - we keep getting the following error :

If we continue execution, the requested data is received:

Moreover, we have deployed a site to Azure and created a new console application for accessing the API. However, we keep receiving "InternalServerError" where the above issue occurs.

Does anyone have any ideas on this? Given that the provided console application throws the same error, we suspect there's an underlying issue in ASP.NET Zero itself. Of course, it could be something simple we've missed :)


Could you help with this, when this is running locally (Asp net zero, version 7.0 Angular) all works.

But when published to Azure app service, it dosn't work.

What it does is generate the notification, but the download of the zip file is a 404.

any help appreciated.


Hi. could you point me to the bug/fix for the badge missing.

I notice now in your demo site, we do have the circle showing over the top of the 'bell' icon showing there are notifications.

This feature dosn't work in 7.0 on angular.

Ideally, if you could point to the missing code/lines then we could add this to our 7.0 without a full upgrade for now.


Ugh, I found the problem. The (video) tutorial missed out that the PersonListDto class must inherit from FullAuditedEntityDto in order to access the id.

The video tutorial skips this very important step, however the written tutorial does have the correct code.

The video tutorial is a little bit problematic, for instance tutorial 36 has been incorrectly edited with another video (42?) which also led to a lot of confusion. I would advise sticking to the written tutorial for now.

Hello, I am currently attempting to complete the PhoneBook tutorial (Core + Angular) using the single project on VS 2017. I’m hitting a problem at the point where I have to delete a Person and the problem seems to be that the client and server are not in sync.

I have gone through my code twice and even compared it to the github demo. Everything is the same but I receive the error:

TS2339 (TS) Property 'id' does not exist on type 'PersonListDto'.

Which is occurring at phonebook.component.ts:

deletePerson(person: PersonListDto): void {
            isConfirmed => {
                if (isConfirmed) {
                    this._personService.deletePerson( => {
                        _.remove(this.people, person);

If I look at service-proxies.ts, PersonListDto does not contain an ‘id’ attribute. It looks like this:

export class PersonListDto implements IPersonListDto {
    name!: string | undefined;
    surname!: string | undefined;
    emailAddress!: string | undefined;

    constructor(data?: IPersonListDto) {
        if (data) {
            for (var property in data) {
                if (data.hasOwnProperty(property))
                    (<any>this)[property] = (<any>data)[property];

    init(data?: any) {
        if (data) {
   = data["name"];
            this.surname = data["surname"];
            this.emailAddress = data["emailAddress"];

    static fromJS(data: any): PersonListDto {
        data = typeof data === 'object' ? data : {};
        let result = new PersonListDto();
        return result;

    toJSON(data?: any) {
        data = typeof data === 'object' ? data : {};
        data["name"] =;
        data["surname"] = this.surname;
        data["emailAddress"] = this.emailAddress;
        return data; 

I ran refresh.bat successfully after restarting the server side project as the demo explains and deleting the person on the client side works just fine. Is the refresh.bat file not updating correctly?

Just to let you know, having mapped out all the dependencies for abp and abp zero, then looking into modules, it makes more sense now.

I've a console app working with dependency injection... infact, the simplest thing to say would be...

just copy the .migrations project

I'll be able to fit in webjobs into a working console app without much trouble I would think. I'll let you know.

Hi @ismcagdas yes thanks i did, but since it dosn't use the Core version of asp net boilerplate, is not quite there. Tried to convert it but coudn't get it there.

Given the core version is now the only version asp net zero are adding to in the future ( you'd think the team would update the samples or add to them maybe?

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