Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "adudley"

sounds like your db is in a deadlock situation

use sp_who2 to get all running transactions and it will show you if they are deadlocked

you cant delete from a table and insert at the same time

you can only have multiple readers not writers

if yiu have a writer then you cant have amy other readers

above statements are general simplifications but mostly hold true in sql server

sorry no i cant get this to work, im pretty new to the Core way of starting applications

asp net boilerplate has a full example of how to get hangfire working in a console app

that would be great if you guys have that same thing but using Core

is it possible to het this working as a webjob and ise existing entities? ive hired someone whos ised asp net boilerplate for many more years than me and he's also struggling considerably so far

thanks for any assistance

just want to use your great framwork but on a separate background process


would you be able to point me in the right direction, or preferrably to some code that

For Asp.NetCore

  1. starts a console app
  2. loads up all the apb IoC stuff
  3. enables entity framework entities that already exist as part of the standard template, along with the Core (domain) layer so I can put common code to use
  4. Reads anything from any table as an example or call some common Core code that reads.

I've looked in a few places. but can't quite see how this fits together yet.


is that the answer, to re-create the entity model? like in the AbpEfConsoleApp ?

thanks for your help

Me Neither.

When I visit it clearly says no invitation found (my github account name is AdamDudley)

Can you please assist.


Hi can you resolve my github request, i still don't have access to the private repositories (after adding my username under manage on your website)


Thanks for that.

For the the next poor soul....

now you have a lib folder with just the js files in.

You then need to rerun the other tasks, to create the .min versions of files.


Hi There

having just downloaded 6.3.1, the lib folder is missing, so all the java files are missing for the web project.

Here are some screenshots..

for the public website, it looks like this

so, I just can't figure out how to get the packages to download.

I read here: (problem 3)

however, how do I run gulp manually?

I've tried a restore packaged on the npm folder (which isn't bower, but the dependancies are all in npm rather than bower in the mvc app).

Thanks for your assistance.

Showing 21 to 27 of 27 entries