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Activities of "andmattia"

We are in migration of MVC / AngularJs ANZ solution.

So our solution is diveded in many sub project (Core/app/EF) foreach part off logical module to have a more efficient sapartion off code. Right now we need to understand how to use more EF (one per each module) any experience on this kind off solution/option ?

so we use some other tools like Telerik, Infragistics or other, is it possibile customize RAD tools to use our specific component? and destination folder?

@aron thank for your answer.

So we need to plan to move to .NetCore our "old project"


today I look inside the lastest version (core & js). So some months ago about feauture in 2 enviroment I understood that JS app not support new feauter but DLL (core, application) still have all function but for example GDPR in version 6.1 exists only on Core and not in MVC.

This approch is the new road map?


@joe704la I think yes on GitHub you can read

This project is the next generation of the ASP.NET Boilerplate web application framework.

I see the big change of license MIT -> LGPL.

I take a look ASAP.

Good job!



very good job to develop you custom support site. Has you plan to relase the cose on aspnetzero (private) repository?


@faisalalam the project that you have suggestion I think is a very good starting point.

Probably with some work is possible to create a brige with ABP.Zero Core and JS


In my solution I've created a new module to use MongoDb with BsonDocument.

You need to pay attention to UOW and you need to create a wrapper to Repository Method. In the wrapper you need to use Query (native MongoDb).

I my experince is quite simple use MongoDb to serialize large object or entity where Json/mongodb(nosql) is the best solution and MSSQL (via EF for classic entity like user, bank, customer). This mix give you the best off 2 soultion


I get an issue using the first char of namespace in lowercase. Where is the best place to post this issue? Private github repo?

@yekalkan thks I regenerate my proj from aspnetzero in core version and it works

I create an error on github(deleted) but I think is more correct report here, so this is issue description

I install the new VS pluing (VS 2017 15.5.5 with R#) and I give this error message Couldn't load information on your Asp.NetZero Based Project => Config File not found

I give the same message on my solution and if I start from blank new project

-- UPDATE I check the plugin and I found that in root folder not exist AspNetZeroRadTool\config.json

-- UPDATE 2 So now the file json with entity definition will be created after generate button but nothing happen. no error logged...

--UPDATE 3 ok I think the problem is that when invoke CMD I don't have the AspNetZeroRadTool.dll and process crash.

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