Yes. Is a problem in a separeted module. I think is a problem in int module because my core module (with xml translation) dependon my new module and the new module need to access to IappFolder and LocalizationManger
I try to create a new module and I need to localize some label came out fomr my module.
I have a core1 DLL with localization wiht lable "labelName" "lableSurname"
I have a core2 DLL with localization wiht lable "labelArticle" "lableDescr"
Inside the destination module I need to call ILocalizationManager LocalizationManager { get; set; }
at the moment the only way that I have to solve this task is declare on caller
public ILocalizationManager LocalizationManager { get; set; }
and pass it to constructor but i'm not sure is the best/correct/onlt way to do it.
Is this the only way?
Any update about documentation or example?
I try to use TS script but I have some issue first of all the how can use it on $injection?
So I think is a good option start some documentation about TS if we think to move to angular2 in next time.
I start to write my test class and I reference my module by adding a dependency on test module.
So I have this issue in my module on PostInitialize() I need to call Database and I user
var a = AsyncHelper.RunSync(() => p.GetByIdAsync(1));
But when test start it fails on this row...
I'm very new to test (xunit) any suggestion?
So is possibile to test Angular service class in the same way? mat
your welcome!
Has you check if is a possibile loop of injection?
Check in browser console the full stack of exception.
Related of this issue is it possobile to do that:
the idea is: appService.saveOrUpdate(data).then(function(data){ // OK code } ,function(error){ // Error code });
ok! Thks to @hikalkan suppurt finally service work and I'm able to send back notification to webapp.
Later I update my git hub project
var s1 = <span style="color:#BF0000">abp</span>.localization.localize('Actions'); title: <span style="color:#00BF00">app</span>.localize('Actions') => app is not defined
If you do not have define app
Notification Issue
after Backgroud job try to send a client notification not fire but notification will send to user and if after notification correctly send to user i refresh (fire F5) I see my bell with +1 notification.