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i have fixed the issue. I have changed the interface for jtable method in typings.d.ts instead of

interface JQuery {
    jtable(...any): void;

change it to

interface JQuery {
    jtable(...any): JQuery;

stop the angular2 app after the change and start it again with npm start

No it's not on azure i am not deploying it to azure. Only on my local machine it happens.


By the way i am trying to implement it in angular2 project.


I want to call jtable selectedRows method but as i see from the interface jtable is always returning void. When i change it to jquery no syntax error that i am getting but when i built it, it gives me

Property 'each' does not exist on type 'void'

here is my code to call jtable 'selectedRows' method

var $selectedRows = this._$screensTable.jtable('selectedRows');
        $selectedRows.each(function () {
            var record = $(this).data('record');
            var personId = record.PersonId;
            var name = record.Name;

I have tried to implement the datepicker component to my project. I have tried to import the module in this link. <a class="postlink" href=""></a> I think this module is already in the project. I have tried to declare it like daterangepicker in app-common-module.ts

import * as ngCommon from '@angular/common';
import { NgModule, ModuleWithProviders } from '@angular/core';
import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
import { ModalModule } from 'ng2-bootstrap';

import { UtilsModule } from '@shared/utils/utils.module';
import { AbpModule } from '@abp/abp.module';
import { CommonModule } from '@shared/common/common.module';

import { TimeZoneComboComponent } from './timing/timezone-combo.component';
import { AppAuthService } from './auth/app-auth.service';
import { JqPluginDirective } from './libs/jq-plugin.directive';
import { CommonLookupModalComponent } from './lookup/common-lookup-modal.component';
import { DateRangePickerComponent } from './timing/date-range-picker.component';
import { DatepickerModule } from 'ng2-bootstrap/datepicker';
import { AppRouteGuard } from './auth/auth-route-guard';

    imports: [
    declarations: [
    exports: [
export class AppCommonModule {
    static forRoot(): ModuleWithProviders {
        return {
            ngModule: AppCommonModule,
            providers: [

But it seems sth. is wrong with the implementation. What will be the best way to implement the datepicker component?

Yes the configuration is right, i am running the project that i have sent you so i didn't change any configuration. As i said sometimes it connects sometimes it does not. It is kind of weird actually after some rebuilds it does not connect anymore maybe it is about the session or sth?

Ok i have tried it and it does not work. Not related with the data or when you call the selectpicker methods. Sth is wrong with bootstrap-select and i couldn't figure it out why. Probably when i click one of the options it selects the first option all the time. Maybe some css is overriding it.

I think i have found out what the problem is. Data is called async on ngOnInıt function and when the data arrived selectpicker has already called the refresh method. So maybe resolver can be used or for quick workaround setTimeOut will work i guess. But i didn't try it yet.

Hello, I have migrated my project to the new version. But there is a problem with the bootstrap-select ddls. You can not select anything when they are on. I have tried it without doing any modifications to the project it is also the same in the brand new downloaded project. To see the problem.

1- run the project. 2- go to the roles from the administration section. 3- try to filter it by permissions from the combobox.

I have sent an email. you can download it from the link there. Thank you for the help again.

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