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Activities of "deltavision"


using ANZ 7.1 - Core/jQuery

After updating to 7.1 - a lot of "default" mappings has to be added to the CustomDtoMapper.

Now an issue with AuditLog, when opening the details of a history.

The mapping does not work - unless I add specific mappings. That was not necessary before. Am I missing something regarding mapping? - maybe in my merge of project with ANZ FrameWork 7.1?

Thank you - for input.

Closing the case.


don't wish to store the decrypted CN string - just want to be able to create an encypted CN string (from normal CN)

And then ANZ load/connect should decrypt the encrypted string - to the "real" CN.


when you have a tenant with a separate database - the connection string to the tenant database is stored encrypted in the host->tenant table.

Is it possible to use the same kind of encryption in the appsettings.json file?

And if possible - how to encrypt the CN ?



Hi @yekalkan

history is enabled in project (as general)

Your info works - thank you.

But why is logging/history - working under audit logs - without uncommeting the two lines?


I have exactly the same issue on testing RAD tool with new entity - History not showing on Action button.

Did you find the solution for this?

OK - I don't think that was necessary before with webpack? but I am not sure :-)


if I from command prompt execute "npm run create-bundles" - and just leave it there (watching bundle files) All is OK - and bundles are updated when ever I change something in css/js.

Breaking the command prompt - stops the update of bundle files.

The less - to css and min.css keeps running - see time in screen dump below.

The js - to min.js stops running - see time in screen dump below.


same path as other css/js files


no error on running "npm run create-bundles"

but no auto bundling, when I update my own js/css/less files. NB: less files are correctly parsed to css files

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